All Moved In!
Dave packed us up in four days, moved us out in two days and only had help with the big items on one day. In that time I called all the utilities, helped pick out a 4wd truck and supervised. Our 2001 Ford Escape had 286,000mi on it from commuting but I haggled on the trade in value. We got a good price on a 2001 Tundra but I made them throw in step bars so I can get in it. I was a tough customer and shaking my walker at them didn't bad!
Dave has had an extra week to unpack due to a hold up in paperwork at his new job with the school district. He is completely DONE! That man did everything by himself, including cutting our wood. He does not have anything left to unpack. He even hung all the pictures, had snow tires put on and went back to the old house for yard work (still on the market). He just keeps moving at a break neck pace to avoid the stress he is feeling over a delayed start date with his new job. Once he starts work he will be fine because I can see his joy in each project (except hanging pictures) he takes on. Picture hanging is not a team event so don't even go there. This is his dream home and he is thrilled. He even managed to run down to the lake for a bit of fishing. Dave is my very own superhero!
I made Dave's tasks alot more stressful. The aftermath of that two week bug was 2 weeks of vertigo. I would become a tad pissy at times because I felt like crap. I didn't even look back when we took our last load from my precious first home. No regret, nostalgia or sadness, just massive nausea. I did drive my car to the new house with my daughter, dog and TK. A 2 1/2hr curved road drive and TK smiling at me in my rear view mirror made me drive like a pro. My daughter was confidant in my driving but she really was just too scared to drive. I had Dave in a 17ft Uhaul in front of me and my son in law in our Tundra behind me. I was so proud of that drive!!!!!!!!!!!!
My only complaint with everything is this dreaded dial-up. My old dial-up, before DSL, in our old house was 48kbps but my new dial-up is only at 26kbps. It takes a very long time to get a blog on my screen, much less comment. I have this beautifully decorated blog room but no patience to use it. I can finally read without hurling but I'd be a prisoner to my new "happy place" if I jumped back into blogging at full speed.
Our new home feels more cosy than our last one and I love it! We have mastered the art of the wood burning stove after heating ourselves right out of the room. Cooking with gas rocks, but we are not quite sure of the convection oven/oven yet. Only my youngest has seen this house in the two years we've owned it and she gave it a big thumbs up. It smells so yummy and clean here and we are anxious for our first snow.
DSL is coming in the next few months so my posting and commenting will be spotty until then. I thought about a dish but that would not be snow friendly and costly. I've been a decorating diva that needs to move on, creatively speaking. I'll attempt to post pictures soon. We certainly feel blessed. I really miss you all!