Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Round Robin Photo Challenge-"Reflection"

Cheryl at choose a fun topic "Reflection." I had two entries because I could not make up my mind.

This is Manny, my 1st love. He is sixteen and a black lab/border collie/cocker. He was given to me when I first retired, for companionship by a neighbor. He was already 5 and well trained. It took me one month to un-train him. LOL He took the other side of my lonely California king and had his own pillow. He was my constant companion and caregiver. I was single and did not date for 12yrs because I thought it would be selfish, if I was going to die. If I had any idea I would still be here I would have dated, but I had my God dog. Manny started to notice me struggling to rise from my low couch and sat in front of me with a cocked head. One day, as I was on my third try getting up, Manny nosed my arm and I put my hand behind his neck. He went totally stiff in the sit position, which allowed me to use him to pull myself up. He almost never hogged the remote, but did track in mud. (who says I had no man!). When I would fall from time to time, he would bark and pace. Never leaving my side. Once I got stuck in my shower for four hours. Manny barked, paced and laid outside the door until I was out. He still lays outside my shower to this day. Now I watch over him. He is hard of hearing, can't see well through the cloudy blue in his eyes and sleeps a lot.
He still can be found by my side, he can be jealous of Dave and will wake up to guard my little dog in the dark if she needs to tinkle late at night. This is a reflection of unconditional love :)

This is my grandson and daughter looking at each other with love in a mirror. He loves looking at himself. I call this a reflection of love :) Go check out other reflections!

Cheryl... "Welcome To My World" and "Life Through My Lens"Karen... "Outpost Mâvarin" Carly... "Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly" Valorie... "Retrospect USA"Sachin... "Sac@Works" **Welcome, New Member!**DesLily... "Here There And Everywhere 2nd Edition" and "Here There And Everywhere"Kimberleigh... "I Shaved My Legs For This?"Erika... "Stealing Time"Nancy... "Nancy Luvs Pics"Julie... "Julie's Web Journal"T.J. ... "Every Picture Tells A Story"Suzanne... "Suzanne R's Life"Derek... "Derek's Picture Of The Day" and "Through My Eyes" Tammy... "The Daily Warrior"Connie... "Moments To Remember"Steven... "(sometimes) photoblog"Deb... SassysEYEDorn... Through the Eyes of the BeholderSteve... PAPARRAZI BY PROXY **Welcome, New Member!**


WingWoman said...

What a marvelous companion you have in Manny! You definitely had a "man"-ny around :-)

Great picture of your daughter and grandson too! Dontcha just love how the lil' ones love to look in the mirror?

Dornbrau said...

Ah, the physical reflection, and the inner reflection. Beautiful entry.

DEREK said...

now that is a beautiful reflection.

TJ said...

Both are great but baby in the mirror is the best ever!!!
hey I might add you mighty Nemo in goggles and snokle!
Love ya TJ

Suzanne R said...

It is apparent what a sweet dog Manny is, and his love for you shines forth in his eyes and his expression. The grandkids shot is perfect, too -- wonderful entry! I am moved.

emmapeelDallas said...


This is another beautiful entry that had me teared up, and I love the pic of your daughter and TK too!



Anonymous said...

God spelled backwards is dog! Native American wisdom!
Glad you have Manny and that grandbaby!

fdtate said...

Some great reflections here. Nice job on the theme.

Bedazzzled1 said...

Are you tired of my blitz on your blog today?! I have gotten so far behind reading everyone's blogs.

Your dog is incredible. How safe he must make you feel...and so very well-loved.

I smiled big time when I saw the picture of your daughter and grandson in front of the mirror. Priceless reflection.

Nikki Ü

Anonymous said...

Tammy, you always send a tear down my cheek. Both wonderful entries ... grandson/daughter = priceless!

Karen Funk Blocher said...

That is a wonderful tribute to Manny - and I really love the baby reflection shot, especially the way you have it here, in sepia. - Karen

BosieLadie said...

What an awesome entry! Our four-legged family members are so very special.

Chris said...

Manny sounds a lot like Misty, my first Weimeraner. She was a dream dog. He still is very handsome after all these years, don't ya think?

Your daughter and grandson are precious!

My Blog

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful companion, hope I can someday compete with him (LOL).He truly loves you with every ounce of his being and know you feel the same way about him.May our next dof be as loving and caring as Manny...Love Dave

Andi said...

I love the baby photo. :-)

Jod{i} said...

Your grandson is absolutely gorgeous!!
An incredible photo!!

Maureen said...

Now I see what you meant when you left a comment on my post about my Sam. Tammy, you're lucky to have Manny and Dave, and your two daughters... and a grandchild! woohoo! lucky, courageous, loving woman you!

You and I have lots in common. I'll be back.