Self Portrait Challenge- Pop Art # 4
Being a grandma for the first time, fills me with joy and brings out my goofy side. Tk thinks I'm very strange, but he won't forget gramy!
See others here
A journey of discovery.
Being a grandma for the first time, fills me with joy and brings out my goofy side. Tk thinks I'm very strange, but he won't forget gramy!
See others here
Created by
Tammy Brierly
10:55 AM
Oooooh...that's very cool. He's going to grow up knowing he had/has a very COOL grammy too!
The self-portrait is marvelous, Tammy!
What a wonderful kaleidoscope of images!
And thanks, Tammy, for the song - I needed it today! Thank you for the inspiration.
p.s. I tried to comment on your previous Fib Haiku, but it wouldn't take for some reason - marvelous! Both the words and the image.
Thanks for your recent comments on my SPC contributions, Tammy. I'm glad that they featured you over at the main site. I've seen your contributions, but didn't know your story.
Thanks for being an inspiration!
This is brilliant and I'm still smiling whilst looking at it, Tammy.
It really is a kaleidescope of beaming faces!
THat's a fun take on the theme, Tammy!
this is truly beautiful.
That is a fantastic photo Tammy. He certainly will think you're crazy but that is good. You go girl!
I love these pop art pieces of must teach me how to do this one day! It's great!
I'm finally here and trying to catch up on blogs (again)...I love the words to that song you posted about recently, though I'm not sure I've heard it. I will have to look it up...such powerful words!
I love you sweetie!
too cute!
Very, VERY Cool Tams! You two always look like you're having FUN!
I love this collage of you and TK!
VERY cool!
As you can see Tammy, I made it over your way, and boy! did I have a wonderful time. Thank you for putting so much thought and love into your blog, some of it flowed over to me and I am feeling all warm and fuzzy from it right now.
I too wear my wrinkles proudly. I believe that every one of them represent a life experience, and one can always make use of new experiences. Right?
I'lllll be back.........
Tammmmmmmy...this is impossibly darling!
Nikki Ü
Just how cool is this?
love it
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