Thursday, July 06, 2006

Poetry Thursday- Goddess

The prompt this week was to find the personal in your poetry and read it in an audio blog. I don't speak clearly so audio blog reading would take away from the poetry.


I hear her speaking softly,
like a whisper in my ear.
beckoning my inner strength,
to comfort me, releasing fear.
Reminding me of the glorious gift
of time, never to be replaced.

She resides in my sacred temple,
nurturing my damaged soul.
Seeing a glorious creation of God,
tending to me in his garden.
Planting thoughts blooming with
hope, pulling weeds of self doubt.

My inner goddess adorns me
with garlands of peace and joy.
lighting the fire within to shine
brightly, lighting the way.
She knows he has a plan as she
prepares me for our journey.

I've been out of town, so I used one of my first poems I wrote for "Write Words Writing Club." I had to tweak it a bit to make it fresh.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of planting hope and self-doubt is definitely a weed! Good post.

turquoise cro said...

garlands of peace and joy O! Tammy! This poem is sheer JOY! to read! Thank You!!! I'll come back later to read it again!! Your light is shining!

Amber said...

Oh, I love this! Love it.


Bedazzzled1 said...

Exquisite. Just like you.


madretz said...

This spoke to my soul.
Thank you for sharing.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Beautiful romantic photo and haiku! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Some lovely sentiments here 'gift of time, never to be replaced' and the idea of an inner goddess. A message for us all. Thanks, Tammy.

Colorsonmymind said...

I was horrified to see how many posts of yours I have missed...don't know why I hadn't gotten to add you to my bloglines before but you are there I won't miss this many again.

Anyway...this poem is so
I do share the weeding concept.