Tuesday, August 29, 2006

One Deep Breath- "Faces of Humanity"

Family is love
staying together is life
home is family

Homeless but smiling
hungry but all together
will love be enough?


susanlavonne said...

you haiku cuts like a knife...beautifully written!

Star said...

compassion to the core... well done

betty said...

beautifully written

Jennifer S. said...

excellent and touching. good to think on.

(love the KT Tunstall song too!)

Anonymous said...

You hit on the important things. Wonderful words.

Helen said...

I really love these. ... It is so true that staying together is life and we both know this even more because of our illness. What a touching Haiku :)

Becca said...

You've said it all, with words and photo. Family is home, is life.
Well done!

Deb R said...

Both these haiku are wonderful, Tammy. They're very moving.