Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Self Portrait Challenge- "Enclosed Spaces"

WEEK #2 as "embrace"

This week was a rough week and I needed extra TLC. I got the idea of an embrace for my enclosed space and I liked it even more as a painting. Hubby says it looks like we have a skin disease so I am showing my two different versions and you can decide :)


Star said...

I like both versions. That's enclosed space I like and visit often; I'll bet you do, too! :-)

kristen said...

Both photos show such love and what an incredible enclosure you have with each other.

Deb R said...

I love both versions! I think my favorite is the one in shades of gray though because it really seems to focus attention on the interlocking pattern of your arms and hands - a visual of your love and support for each other. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with something very original: Both. LOL. This is a lovely picture and it captures the theme so beautifully. Enclosed in the tight embrace of love.

Georgia said...


I am so sorry your week has been rough. But I look at these pictures and I can see how blessed you are. Love is the most powerful thing and to be able to enclose yourself with that at the end of the day... well it is really what we all want, no?

I love being able to get to know you through your blogs. You are an incredible person and I am glad to call you a bloggie friend:)

betty said...

I like them both! I'm hoping this week will be a better one for you

Chris said...

I think they're both great! I hope your week goes better. Last week was a terrible week for me, so I'm trying to make this one a good one. You're in my thoughts girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful Tammy. I particularly like the monochromatic one...it says a lot about support and love...I like that, a lot. Well done. Z x

Ian russell said...

that's an excellent image, tammy. if i was pushed for a preference, i'd choose the colour one but, side-by-side, i think they mutually enhance each other. it's impact is in the pattern of the embrace, like a lover's knot. :o)

Bedazzzled1 said...

Tammy, these are simply wonderful. I know I can be a big sap at times, but looking at these almost makes me feel like crying...a good kind of cry. The love you two share is a powerful but gentle one, and these pictures express that.

I hope you have a beautiful week.


Becca said...

Both images are very powerful to me, and, as Ian said, I think they enhance each other.

Hope this week is better for you :)

EllyJane said...

i definitely see the skin disease thing :-), but its lovely--- and what better place to be enclosed!

Globetrotter said...

these are both beautiful pics, skin disease or not. I hope you have a better week from here on out. Sometimes a little hug can move us in the right direction.


Kim said...

I think both photos are gorgeous and that enclosed space is the best kind of all!

Unknown said...

this is a peaceful, happy enclosed space. It's nice to be reminded of those:)

Anonymous said...

i look forward to spending time with my someone who will enclose me in an embrace. :)

such a great take on this month's theme!

Letha Sandison said...

Tammy this is beautiful! I like it as a painting too. In fact I did a similar painting of some friends when she was pregnant.

I am so sorry you had a bad week. I hope you are feeling better and that this week is a new wonderful week!

boho girl said...

I am sorry you had a bad week too. I wish I could take the pain. Your husband is an amazing man, isn't he? I love your relationship.

This Carrie Underwood song made me cry. I needed to hear this today...thank you for that gift.

Bless you,

Colorsonmymind said...

I like the first one and the colors of the second.

Beautiful you

Anonymous said...

I think both portraits are great, but something about the first one makes me like it more.

I love the way you're holding each other, the layout of your arms is so natural as if to cover every inch in love.


Kim Carney said...

I love them both, so tender!

JC said...

I tried to comment on this post last week, but for some reason my comment got hosed. Anyway, I like both pictures but I like the painting-looking one slightly better.