Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sunday Scribbling - "Who Else Can I Still Be"

There are so many things I'd like to have done in my life but fate had a different plan.

I can still be a loving wife, making sure he does not get overwhelmed in my care. Hiring extra hands so he can remain a "husband" and not just my caregiver.

I can still be a good mother by allowing my kids to make mistakes and get themselves out of their own binds. Spending quality time with them by allowing them to assist in my care when they need to. I want them to live their lives now and allow me to live mine.

I can still be a loving grandma by showing love through my eyes. Teaching compassion and empathy. The gift of my blog showing them my words of love.

I can still inspire others to have faith, hope and live every day as a gift.

I can still pray for others.

I can still fight.

I can love.


kristen said...

You can and are an inspiration. I love how you good mother your children.....letting them be, being there for them but especially for this line, 'i want them to live their lives now and allow me to live mine'. These are words to parent by.

thank you.

Deb R said...

Your list of things you can do are all very good things.

I love the photo! How did you do the multi-polaroid effect?

Belle said...

Wow, Tammy, that is really nice.

Rebekah said...

Faithful observance of potential; refusal to rest in regret. That is what you bring us all - whether blood family, or unseen family out here, grateful for you every day.

Patry Francis said...

Clearly, you give so much, Tammy.

turquoise cro said...

O! Tammy! YOU are LOVE! prayers for you too! xoxoxox ps, GLAD to seeeeeeeeeeee Manny is going to be in the wedding! He looks chipper!

lisrobbe said...

I have to agree with acumamakiki that you are an inspiration. When ever I read your blog and as in this post you remain so unselfish and worried of others and making sure their happiness is what matters. your true fighting spirit should be an inspiration to us all. Keep on keepin' on. Your childern as blessed to have you as their mother.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

the hardest for me... letting them fix thier own messes. life just seems so hard naturally and i want to fix whatever i can while i still can. That one really resonated with me

betty said...

you are a wonderful, great person; you can still be and always be that

Chris said...

I've told you before, you definitely inspire. And I know you pray for others. You told me so. Your writing gets better and better my friend. Thanks for sharing your words with us.

Kamsin said...

Whatever we may face, whatever circumstances come our way, we can all still fight and we can all still love. I guess it's what makes us human. At the end of the day, these are the most important things. Beautiful post and a gorgeous picture.

Kay Cooke said...

I am in awe of your beautiful spirit.

Georgia said...

Tammy, you are so wonderful! I love coming here to read what you say because i know that you always uplift. You are an inspiration and something for us all to aspire to be like.

I am glad that Manny is doing well too. :)

claireylove said...

you are a wonderful wise soul with much to give. hurrah for Tammy!

Anonymous said...

...And you do! Through your blog you make a big difference. Thanks Tammy.

Colorsonmymind said...

You do inspire me beautiful one.

I was very moved by this honest awareness of what you can be.

You are already doing a terrific job at it:)

GreenishLady said...

Tammy, the things you do are the things that really matter. You love, you inspire, you care, you pray. You shine out with a light that is brightening many lives, mine among them. Thank you.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I'm glad to have you among my blog-friends! You certainly inspire ME!

Susannah Conway said...

Tammy, you are such an inspiration to me - thank you for your words, and for the gift of your blog... this list is wonderfully powerful and strong.... and your poem to your mother touched me so deeply i am wiping tears away... you have a gift for words and emotion - hugs to you my friend x

Madeleine said...

and you show so much love on a daily basis and it is there for us all to see. we see it through your strength and compassion. we see it through your wicked sense of humour, and gorgeous poetry.
here's to being all that you still are...funny, gorgeous, tammy.

Jessie said...

Tammy, you amaze me.

love to you,

Unknown said...

Well said!

Amber said...

You really do inspire through your blog! Don't forget it. ;) Your heart is as big as the sky, I think. They are all lucky to have you!

btw, I like your 9/11 rememberance. I saw that movie today, and it is good to not forget these people or that day.

oxox :)

Bedazzzled1 said...

Everything you do, you do fabulously well. You are the rarest of jewels, angel woman.

::hugs and love::

Writer Bug said...

What a beautiful, inspirational post! I love it. Thank you for sharing!

Star said...

You do so much, Tammy, thanks for spreading it around to us!

Unknown said...

You can, but more importantly, you do. Best to you, Tammy!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Tammy, come back by and take a look at my new grandson, Rhys, born about six this morning!

Kim said...

Tammy, you are an amazing person. This post is so inspirational, thank you for it.

tara dawn said...

You bring me hope and faith every day...and so much love!
I miss you dearly my friend and am sending wonderful wishes for the wedding!
Love you,
PS - I guess the prayers worked with glad he's okay:)

Anonymous said...

You still do much more then you have written down.You make me laugh,make me slow down and stand back and look at the bigger picture.You have love,compassion,inspiration,and give me hope and faith and so much more.Love Dave

Libra Moon said...

Greetings Libra Warrior!

I am finally able to open your blog page... YAY!!!

In response to...
I can still be a good mother by allowing my kids to make mistakes and get themselves out of their own binds.

I stand behind this belief 100%

Though my fifteen year old daughter has yet to make any mistakes (what??... note I said "yet"), my Knight is the one I had to cut this umbilical cord from. Though we remain together in Love, yet live miles apart, I have to let go of his emotional baggage and learn to "let him be" while he makes mistakes. I do offer my wisdom and guidance... only when asked for.

Here's to Faith!... you have it ALL Woman!

Enjoy the Day!
Libra Moon

Anonymous said...

I know others have stated this already here - but I just wanted to chime in and let you know - you, your life and your words, are an inspiration to me, too!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Picture!