Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Self Portrait Challenge- "Black & White" Glam

I let my oldest have free reign over my last B & W self-portrait for February. I wanted to try glamorous this week but I found at 45 I had forgotten what hard work that actually is. The make up and hair was easy enough because I just sat there and let her go. She had to mention how hard it is to put make up on eyes with lots of wrinkles though, as she stretched my eyes into my ears. The hard part was getting that glam feel in my face for the shot. If I looked serious, I looked pissed and if I smiled, it was too much. I just finally said I'll work with what I have so far and photo shop I did!

This was my family's pick but I did not see glam...sorry guys!

This is me being a smart ass while Michelle was frustrated at my lack of a sexy look. I told her it's hard to look sexy for my daughter. The one where I stuck out my tongue I deleted but this one I kept for her :)
To see other B&W self portraits go here


AMANDA said...

Great shots! The first one is my favorite. You look beautiful.

Tabor said...

I think you were very successful and should be proud. Try this again, honey, when you are 60!

Waspgoddess said...

The first one is gorgeous, your eyes are very seductive. And I love the last one too, it's fun, and so full of colour. Well, they are all great. And you are one glam babe :)

Anonymous said...

I like the first one the best. But, all of them are beautiful not just glam.

There is something shining through beneath it all. Something lovely and compassionate.

Rachel said...

You are screaming GLAM to me honey. Great pics. Such a stunner!

Anonymous said...

i love the one you chose but all three show you glam girlfriend!

tara dawn said...

Look at you, HOT mama! Your beauty, both inside and out, is truly stunning. And have you colored your hair? I'm loving the red tint!!
Thinking of you and sending lots of love,

Regina said...

Ooh, love the red top... very sexay... and I like you being a smart ass- they don't say smart for nuthin', you know!

daisies said...

absolutely glam, i love the first one, so beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

I can't decide which I like best - they're all such different moods - but sister's definitely a hottie in all three. Yes, glam. Smouldering eyes, exquisite bone structure - as beautiful outside as in. You go, grrl!

Mrs. Spencer said...

these are wonderful. what a lovely bonding time you must have had with your daughter!

Kim Carney said...

I love the gLAM! The hair, the eyes, the attitude ... wonderful. Love the hair!

Jessie said...

I love these photos! Especially the last one--in color! :) And your words remind me of a photo shoot that I did with my mom a few months ago. She got her hair done, got all beautiful and then I had to repeat over and over..."nooooo, mom! look seeeexy!" It was hilarious. I don't ever remember laughing that hard with her before. It sounds like you and Michelle had fun, too! Oh yes...these are what good memories are made of. :)

turquoise cro said...

WOWieeEEEEEEEE! Tammy! All these pics are STEAMIN! HOT! LOL I think the first one at the top looks like Reba a little, don't you, look how intent your eyes look! Sweet! and the second one you look like you are 19!!!Wooooo Hooooo! and the 3rd one is HOT! HOT! HOT! Phew! That was a Happy time for you and Michelle! Don't we girlys know how to have FUN?!! xoCinda

Deb R said...

I'm voting with the fam on this one - I like the second one best! But you look lovely in all of them!

Anonymous said...

what fun; yes - hard to do so for a daughter ;-)

Pam said...

I'm voting for the second one...they're all great, but that one has the sexy, glam thing going for it plus that twinkle in your eyes.

Anonymous said...

I think they are all very glam and sexy! You go girl! Maybe to get you in the mood a little more~put on some Justin Timberlake~sexy back.

Julie said...

These are good! You never fail to bring a smile or crack me up--that last picture is a hoot. I love that you've got "Vogue" playing for today's post :D

Anonymous said...

The pictures turned out great and I love the red sweater, ver glam!!

Glad you and Michelle had some girl together :)


GreenishLady said...

I'm with the family on this... that 2nd picture is like a magazine-cover! Well done. Looks like it was such fun.

Georgia said...

Oooh la la!!!

Look at you sexy woman!

Love these, they are screaming glam to me.

Thanks for you kind comment, I fixed the links :)


A bird in the hand said...


That's what.


Amber said...

I think you look beauteeeful. :)

Nancy said...

Love all the shots...all different parts of YOU.
(cute song to accompany too...sure wish I knew how to add songs)

I definitely know how brave that move is. We're working on one ourselves!


Joyce Ellen Davis said...

You look terrific in all three! Absolutely!

angela said...

very beautiful! i love the second one, i think it is 100% glam.
looks like a lot of fun was had :)

emmapeelDallas said...

Very nice! The first one is my favorite...you look like a kid in all of them, though!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I think you are beautiful!!

Tinker said...

Woo hoo! Glamorous you are! Well, except for the ones where you're being Miss Chievous ;-)

Vedrana M. said...

great photos, xoxo