Monday, March 05, 2007

One Deep Breath - "Mud" Haiku/fib

Helen of the Yellow Rose has been a participant of One Deep Breath for awhile now. Her ALS has progressed to the point of needing a feeding tube, losing her voice and struggling to be able to type. One Deep Breath has kept her connected to a community. She has recently been moved to another state and removed from her home due to her progression. She had to leave her church family, two of her children and most hurtful, her grandchildren. She will continue to fight but the fear of the unknown brings with it emotional times. I wanted to let her know that even if she can not comment she will remain in our blogging community and thoughts. I will continue to help her participate. The theme this week is mud and that is exactly where Helen is right now, feeling stuck. I'm there to pull you up dear friend.

getting by
helplessly watching
reaching out from mud that binds

frustrating to relay needs
words stuck like in mud

To read other poets visit One Deep Breath


Julie said...

I've been thinking about Helen a lot since Valentine's Day when she had the feeding tube put in. Thanks for giving her a voice here, Tammy!

Kamsin said...

Beautiful post. I'm sure your friend is feeling just a little bit stronger for reading your post. Thank you for giving her a voice.

susanlavonne said...

A deeply moving haiku, Tammy. It is not only a blessing to Helen that you are able to give her a voice but to those of us who read her words as well. Also with so much self-involvement in the world, it is an inspiration that people with your devotion and kindness still exist. You truly epitomize the word "friend." May God bless both you and Helen with good health, strength, and happiness.

TJ said...

"Holding others" in the many ways that we can is a gift we can give of ourselves as well as others.
I have missed you and thought of you almost daily. I was so hoping to find you...and here you are standing tall for another to lean on.
That my Tammy!
Love to you...missed you!!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

You are have a dear have a deep have have more strength within you than most who are perfectly healthy. You speak her truth when she speak YOUR truth on a daily basis..showing all of us what being a warrior really means.

Deb R said...

Thank you for posting this tribute to Helen. You're a good friend.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tammy for telling me about Helen. I am offering my prayers for you both in your fight.

Your poems are beautiful and moving and a tribute to the friendship that abounds in blogworld.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely tribute to Helen and to friendship in general.

Waspgoddess said...

I don't know Helen, but your tribute to her was wonderful to read. You are a true friend.

Take care of you.

daisies said...

what a beautiful lovely tribute to your friend ... thank you for sharing helen with us ...

Anonymous said...

You are a good friend, Tammy. The best to both Helen and you. The greatest gift is a caring person.

Becca said...

What a loving tribute to your Helen, and her struggle with ALS. You're a good friend, and a true inspiration to her and to all of us :)

My prayers are with her...

Regina said...

What a good and true friend you are, Tammy... I left Helen a little note on her blog but please tell her how much she is loved by all of us here. She and you are inspirations to all women- we need to be there for each other, not only in word and deed but in spirit as well.
Much love to you both...

Jodi said...

What powerful and emotional words. My heart goes out to both Helen and you. She is lucky to have you as a dear friend.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I have been thinking about Helen for a while. Thanks for the update--I am truly sorry to hear she's stuck where she has no wish to be. She is really lucky to have such a good friend as you are, and all these blogging friends who love her and wish her well. As I do.

Unknown said...

I had not thought about the "mired down" aspect of mud, but how touching. I'm sending all my positive thoughts to both of you.

Tinker said...

Oh wow - sending hugs and prayers to your friend - and to you, too, Tammy.And wishes for strength for both of you to keep on fighting the good fight. XOXO

get zapped said...

Tammy, I appreciate and honor you for your care and concern. This poem says so much about what Helen must be experiencing. Although I can only speculate. This post makes me appreciate all the freedoms I have in life.My heart goes out to her. Btw, I read an extraordinary article about a woman who is helping her husband with ALS by brining people to their home to share stories...

rel said...

I continue to be moved by the love that's in you.
These words in your fib and haiku are a perfect way to express where your friend is. I'm sure you are a bright light in her world.

Bianca said...

Deep expressions of emotion. Great writing. Keep writing!

wrchili said...

Wonderful poems! I'm sure your friend appreciates you helping her be able to stay with the group.

Annie Jeffries said...

For some reason Tammy, this pains me in a way that I cannot explain. I'm so sorry.

Giggles said...

Tammy, Hugs and prayers to your beautiful friend Helen! What a kind and loving tribute. All this sadness and loss can be so devastating to someone ill! Way too much to contend with, when the true desire is to be surrounded in love and peace!

Hugs Sherrie

turquoise cro said...

You and Helen are in my prayers, xo,Cinda (((((Tammy&Helen))))))