Tuesday, March 27, 2007

One Deep Breath - "Short & Sweet" One Line Poetry

My one line poetry was inspired by an unexpected snow fall. This photo is from this morning :(

Spring blossoms cut down in winter's last hurrah.
Translucent pearls adorning morning petals.
Fallen Daffodils will awaken the thaw.


turquoise cro said...

Will those daffodils SPRING back???!! I HOPE we don't have anymore snow! xoCinda

Helen said...

you are so right, fallen daffodils will awaken the thaw. lovely haiku. hugs

TJ said...

Tammy I just love coming into your blog...so creative!! and that baby is getting so big! He has the cheeks to mush all over...laughing.
Glad Dave liked my entry.
Hugs to the two of yas!
Love TJ

Great song!!

Jone said...

I hope thos daffodils will awaken. Love the haikus, especially the second one. I posted about pantoums: http://deowriter.blogspot.com/2007/03/pantoum-poetry-form.html

Bedazzzled1 said...

One-line poetry that manages to fill a mind with remembrances. So beautifully done, as always, Tammy.

I love you~

Julie said...

The first is my favorite and I'm sad for your that winter has reared its ugly head once again. Spring flowers don't last long enough the way it is.

You've made lemonade out of lemons :D

Lippy said...

Lovely. They'll be back, as always.


PS sorry for the delay: use the fishies :)

Colorsonmymind said...

Sending you my love sweet one.


Anonymous said...

That is so sad about the daffodils. Makes me want to rescue them.

Your haiku are perfect. :)



Anonymous said...

Beautiful words Tammy. Strong and vibrant.


Kimberley McGill said...

poignant picture, beautiful even in its sadness - you captured that in your haiku.

Tammy said...

Poor, brave daffodils! They so often get beaten down by spring snows.

rel said...

Those translucent pearls are able to magnify the already beautiful flowers even in repose.
I like the way you see the glass 1/2 full. ;-)
PS. meds worked! finally (7 days)

Anonymous said...

Succinctly perfect as always!


Anonymous said...

The snow on the flowers made a good shot, Tammy. My favorite is the second one. Also, like the mosaic below. I have never able to produce anything nice with that tool.

daisies said...

how sad and yet you turned it to beauty ...



Becca said...

Ah, those poor daff's~ That always seems to happen to them though, they're just in such a hurry to bloom!

I hope your haiku is true, and they awaken the thaw!

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

I really liked the first and last. The daffodils are so bright they almost laugh at the snow in spite of being bent.

Nancy said...

Have faith, my friend...

Unknown said...

The first is my favorite! Winter is having its last hurrah here today. Nothing better than a cup of tea and staying undera a quilt.

Regina said...

I missed this from last week, Tammy! It's so beautiful and the poor daffodils...
I hope spring is here!

Anonymous said...

Cool post as for me. I'd like to read more concerning this theme. Thnx for giving this data.
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