Wednesday, March 28, 2007


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My grandson TK is walking! (Click play button) Notice him holding my unsteady leg and the horrible bribery and whistling :) I was at my girl's house for their first BBQ and I was actually holding the camera. Not too shabby!


Anonymous said...

Yayy for TK. How exciting that he is walking. Jessie better be on her toes, he'll be all over the place now! It's so cute to see a little guy just learning to walk.

Annie Jeffries said...

Go Go little guy. Tammy, they are all just so cute when they get their legs. TK is a sweetie.

emmapeelDallas said...

Awwwww, I loved that! Soon he'll be fast time flies!


Chris said...

Now how darned cute is that?!

Kamsin said...

So cute! Although those walking legs no doubt will find him all sorts of trouble now!

Pam said...

So cute, and quite steady! Very cool blog, fun to watch.

Thanks for the award, you are very sweet.

BendingPeak said...

So fun! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for all of your kind comments on my blog.
Have a lovely weekend,

Julie said...

He's going to be EVERYWHERE! Get ready ;-)

Thanks for thinking to upload the video so we can share in the excitement.

Jana B said...

Awwwww... look out world, here he comes!!!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!

Bbq chips are good to bribe people (of any age) with! YUMMY!

Sooooo... was the voice we heard, yours?? I love hearing voices. Which reminds me... I need to record a message on my blog. *making a mental note to add this to my plans*

Anonymous said...

Oh there's nothing cuter than first steps!!

Deb R said...

Oh, that's so cool, Tammy!! He's doing great!! (And he's Sooooooo cute!)

Tinker said...

Aww! I had to watch it twice he's so darn cute! Good job there as camerawoman, Tammy. Thanks for the smile this brought me! xoxo

daisies said...

too absolutely freakin' cute : )

turquoise cro said...

LOL How sweet! I LOVE to hear his footsteps and watch him grab his Grandma's leg!!! He's got cute legs like YOU Tammy!!!xoCinda