Friday, May 25, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - "Simple"

I've learned in the last sixteen years that life is never simple. When dressing and getting food into your mouth is a chore you tend to re-evaluate the definition of simple. For me when things get tough what makes my life simpler is my five senses. Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. They can make any situation seem less horrific. If one is taken away, the rest kick into overdrive, giving us coping mechanisms. I cling to these simple things as each hurdle arrives.

Looking at nature
colors to brighten the dark
seeing creation

Hearing emotions
laughter, sadness and anger
your heart floods my ear's

Bitter, sweet or salt
memories of taste never fade
taste buds always bloom

Scent is my compass
it gives everything a name
I inhale you

The touch of your hand
sends your love through my body
comforting the heart

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend!
Photo by stockxpert


Julie said...

All so true. I'm glad that the senses take over to magnify for us when one is on the fritz. You are so special, Tammy. You open my eyes to new things each day.

Wishing you and Dave a happy and safe weekend as well.

daisies said...

oh honey, this is such a beautiful post and your poetic words sink deep into my heart 'scent is my compass it gives everything a name i inhale you' takes me back to my sister. she had a severe form of cerebral palsy and was a beautiful gift to our family for 27 wonderful years ... this poem makes me think of her, i miss her so much. thank you for you and your amazing strength and heart, you brought memories and tears to my eyes just now ~ in such a very good way. sending you love, xoxox

JP (mom) said...

I love the sensualness of your poem and how losing something can remind us that much more about what we do have. Much peace and love to you Tammy ... safe, happy weekend wishes to you, xx, JP

Tabor said...

There is always a glass half full, but we may forget to focus on that. That talent is certainly your gift. I laughed, but also was a little concerned at your grandson's call to his grandparents. I might have thought he was trying to tell me something bad had happened...I guess I am not a glass half full personality.

Nancy said...

What a beautiful way to express a simple, yet perfect, coping mechanism. And it's not just to how to live.
I love how you live, Tammy.

Love and Hugs,

kj said...

hello tammy! i've been away too long--so nice to hear your words again.

i love this:

"scent is my compass
it gives me a name"

that is incredibly powerful and beautiful.

your blog looks very nice! i love the little hearts pouring forth.

have a good weekend, tammy. all the best to you,


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Beautiful photo and words :)

Regina said...

Tammy, you're haikus were beautifully simple and so true- I love that line... "I inhale you" that's love.

gautami tripathy said...

So beautiful words. Heartfelt with a dept of meaning.

Chris said...

You are an inspiration to me, Tammy. Great poem. You have a great Memorial Day Weekend too!

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Wow, each of these is beautiful and true. Thank you Tammy!

Annie Jeffries said...

Tammy, love the simplicity of your new blog design. It suits you. Hugs, Annie

bonggamom said...

As always, I'm amazed and inspired by how you find your strength from such simple things in life.

Tinker said...

What a simply beautiful tribute to the senses, Tammy! XOXO

rel said...

You've taught me this simple lesson: enjoy each moment as it presents itself. No more, no less!
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful haikus, Tammy. What is very interesting (from a medical point of view), is that you are describing the action of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in your brain. This part of your brain stores all the things you feel you need to be aware of all the time, and filters out what is not necessary for your survival, especially in times of stress. You are so perceptive of your body.

Becca said...

Tammy, you always make me look at things in a new way, reminding me once again not to take all the simple things I can do for granted.

These are lovely haiku, and really reflect your heightened sensual awareness.

Andi said...

Thank you for pointing this out. I am grateful to have read this post.

Anonymous said...

Ver good addition Sunday Scribblings, I love your take on it. The new pictures on the sidebar are great!

Patois42 said...

I'm unable to add anything that others haven't already said. I loved your haiku. They were wonderful.

Jone said...

Lovely, simply lovely. I am glad to read your posts each week.

Left-handed Trees... said...

Sigh...just beautiful. Your poem gets right to the essence of it--the senses. "Scent is my compass", oh yes!

Amber said...

Beautiful poem.

You are right, as you often are. Such a wise friend to have. ;)

As life gets more complicated, the simple things turn to gold. I always like to read your thoughts, Tam.


Anonymous said...

Each day sometimes seems like a miracle.



Clare said...

Hi Tammy! The photo is beautiful and your sense-haikus are so full of life and sensitivity -- they really touch my heart and remind me not to take my senses, or anything else, for granted.

spacedlaw said...

Beautifully expressed.
Touching too.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Your haiku are so simple—and powerful.

Everytime I visit your blog, I learn something powerful about how to really live life.

I hope you know how many people you are teaching as you walk this warrior journey. I am very glad you blog.

Liza on Maui said...

beautiful ...

One of these days, can I re-post this on my blog and put a link to here?