Friday, June 29, 2007

Fair Finds and a Meme


memories in a box
balanced on a tiny stool
straddling a knee
tangled legs showing
couple hidden
coin slotted rush
spontaneous poses
flashes of fun
*My scanner is at the new house so this is not such a good picture.

We purchased a sign with our last name on it and this cute welcome post for the new mountain house. That is a solar light on top. :)

This is a bear close up covered in honey and bees. One bee is on a spring.

Hand made nesting dolls from Russia. Dave does not watch any sports except the Packers...thank you God!
Nancy at reminded me that I did not do the "ask me 3 questions meme" properly. I asked questions of her and Jimmy but did not let anyone ask me three questions. I know I did the "interview me" meme but I've been tagged a few times and I've lost track. So ask away Nancy or anyone else not on a blog break. I should be on a blog break packing to move but instead we are cleaning for an open house.


daisies said...

i love love love photobooth : ) both the adorable photo and the poetic scan ...

hope your cleaning and open house goes marvelous!! xox

Regina said...

I do so love your goodies! But my favorite thing is the photobooth photos. We have some of those as well!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Good booty! And, laughter is better for you than cleaning, I always say....

Kay Cooke said...

I have everything that can be, crossed (including my praying hands! ;)) so that the selling of your house and the settling into your new home goes well, quickly and smoothly.
I just know it is all going to work out for you.
Looking forward to the good news!

emmapeelDallas said...

I love the photobooth shots too! Those were my favorite as a kid, before anyone had Polaroids. I was fascinated by the instant aspect of the pics. Also, I love the welcome post and nesting Russian dolls. I've seen many versions of those, but never the Packers! So Dave's a cheese head, huh?



Tabor said...

It seems as if everyone is moving these days. At least two of my bloggers are moving this month and I will be moving in September. Bloggers are certainly not people who let grass or typos grow under their feet!

Pam said...

I LOVE the pohto booth pics!!! and the poem, you are so perfectly expressive.

And I love you.

Jana B said...

Hahahaha I absolutely LOVE the pics of you and Dave... so darn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha I had no idea they made those little Russian dolls with sports themes!

Anonymous said...

I love all the stuff, especially the packer nesting dolls!!

The pictures of you guys are so idyllic.