Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thankful Thursday!

Surgery was a piece of cake! I recommend no anesthesia, if possible, to everyone. Dave was not allowed to be with me and since they treated it like a regular surgery it was intimidating and scary at first. IV, oxygen, monitors, operating room, masks, bright lights and 4 people. Overkill, in my uneducated opinion, for what actually took 20min. I'm sure alot of it was procedure and the rest was uncertainty of my ALS. The "happy shot" was just to relax me and I was given a small amount. I didn't want to be groggy and be kept in the recovery room long. I refused the screen between the surgery and my face because it was just too suffocating. I saw smoke rising over my breast and did need a couple extra shots of the local due to feeling some of it. We chatted and joked through it all due to no pain. They don't use bandages anymore but instead use Durabond (superglue) which protects the stitches from rubbing against clothes and is waterproof. Very cool! I got dressed and walked out the minute I was unhooked. Why can't a root canal be this easy? I didn't even have after pain and it's an inch long incision. :)

Dave's retirement was really nice and he even made a speech. Oct 1st would have been twenty five years at the national lab. We died my hair the night before and due to advancing grey I looked like Ronald McDonald...oh well! I got to experience his 4hr commute...yuck! It was neat however to see his office and pictures spread out on his desk. The people there were so nice and said Dave talks about me all the time...awww! I have pictures but they are not here yet. I stayed out of the sun so my hair wouldn't glow. No cameras allowed on site but they had a lab camera. Dave turns big 50 on Monday, his retirement date, but he pushed his retirement up to Sep. 14th. He has a job interview the morning of his birthday here in town and if it's a fit he can leave the lab earlier. My surgeon's father-in-law is coming in two weeks to see the house...yay!

Pam is having her 65th birthday on Friday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM! See you in October! We both have headsets and use Yahoo PC to PC chat, allowing us to really talk, conserve energy and have no long distance charges. Who knew? .


Julie said...

I'm so glad it went well; when will they have the pathology back?

Keeping only positive thoughts for the job interview and visit from the surgeon's FIL. You're on a roll!

Great BIG Hugs, Tammy! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the surgery went well, hooray for that!
And, I didn't know the retirement party was this week. I'm so bad.
Oooh, and that reminds me that I better get Dad's package off tomorrow, I'll send it priority so it will get there on his birthday.
Much Love,

Becca said...

Yea! The surgery part is over!

You have been so busy, with all the retirement hoopla and surgery on top. I'm keeping the good vibes coming your way for a clean bill of health, house sale, and anything else you want!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Hurrah! Glad that's over and done with! Good luck with Dave's appointment and with the house!

emmapeelDallas said...


I'm glad it went well! And I can't wait to see the pics of Dave's retirement party.



turquoise cro said...

WooT!!! WooT!!!SoooOOOOo GLAD everything went smoothly sweetie!!! Did YOU get home and relax and watch YOU know what!!! hehe The results aren't til Sunday!!! Happy Birthday!!! to Dave right now because I might forget and Happy Birthday!!! to your friend Pam! That is sooOoooo COOL you get to talk thru Yahoo! I didn't know about that! Rest now RED!!! LOL

Christy Woolum said...

What a beautiful picture. What a warrior you are... hair dye, surgery, retirement celebration, selling the house... Wow!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad your surgery went well - and Dave's party too.
You are amazing, Tammy! I had to lol at the Ronald McDonald mention - I've been there, done that - I looked like a clown I had such streaks from so much gray, I finally just gave up trying to dye mine. You look gorgeous though! That's so great that your surgeon's father-in-law is actually interested and Dave has a job prospect, too. I'll keep my finger's crossed for you both.
Hope Dave has a Happy Birthday - he's sure to, though, with you by his side! xoxo

vicci said...

I had the same breast procedure years ago Sweetie...piece of cake! Congrats to Dave! Happy retirement! I bet your hair looks darling....XXXOOOOO
Oh and Happy Birthday to your guy also!

Left-handed Trees... said...

THANKFULLY it is done...I am so glad to hear it went well and I'll keep thinking of you!

Gill said...

Wonderful that the surgery went well. Hope the sale of the house falls into place just as smoothly for you too.

Lucy said...

thank god it went well Tammy. :))

Jone said...

So glad that surgery went well. And I am happy for you both on the retirement. Will send you good thoughts for the house to sell. Thanks for your kinds words of encrouragment.

Nancy said...

As you already know, I am THRILLED at the surgery's success and lack of pain.
Lots of good stuff is coming your way...and soon you'll be coming MY way! Woo hoo...don't forget to wave!
Love ya,

Regina said...

Well, that sounded easy! So glad, Tammy! You are so brave!
Thinking good thoughts for the house and for Dave!
Take care of yourself!

Kelly said...

oh no, oh no...if you're coming near me with a needle or knife of any kind somebody better knock me out!

daisies said...

so happy the surgery went well ~ you are so my hero!! sending you love ... xox