Monday, October 15, 2007

Friendships Through New England


I have known Sherrill since I was seventeen and together we took the road trip of a lifetime. A real Thelma and Louise without the hunk or ending. I'm still sick but I'm very bored so I'll be brief. We flew into Portland, Maine on the red eye from San Francisco and rented a car that took us down the coast to Wells ( just pass Kennebunk). We then headed north to the White Mountains in New Hampshire where we had a time share in Bartlett called The Attitash Resort. It was the closest we could get to Vermont. Red eye's really stink if you can't sleep sitting up, just ask Sherrill. I had my drugs so I was a tad better off than she was. We had a stop over in New York but Jet Blue had a wheelchair waiting at every gate to help us. We really only had 4 days to accomplish our journey not including the last day of leaving, layovers and airplane stuff.

My ALS is very touchy with temperatures so I call this my "God trip" because the leaves were turning and we had sunny days in the 75-80 degree range...WOW! We drove the second and third day back and forth to see Pam in Vermont (2-3hrs from resort). I'm not one to stop and eat when on a schedule so poor Sherrill was handed a power bar whenever she got hungry. She said traveling with me is a great diet. She also risked her life in traffic to capture some of these shots. My camera was broken and I couldn't just jump out and get the shot. Sherrill was great!

We made a great team and she had to really carry most of the load but it was sooooo worth it! After 846 miles of driving we are now official "leaf peepers." Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont are AWESOME in the fall. We took different roads every day and stayed off hwys except one night. The covered bridges, rivers, lakes and foliage were stunning!


This trip was a mission to meet Pam and she was everything I had been drawn to and more. We were fascinated by the differences and similarities of our illness. Her caregiver was a spunky, funny and caring gal. I even brought home a few helpful tips and imparted a few. Seeing someone you already love is a surreal experience and was so rewarding. When I showed up with the Batman and Robin costumes she was a great sport. She is a heck of a woman and my rock.

Meeting Nancy was the cherry on top of my journey. Sherrill and I met Nancy and Stu on our last night at "the best" Italian restaurant in NH. What a kick in the pants she was. Warm,outspoken, funny and spunky. We acted like we were sisters and even looked alike. Sherrill was just thrilled to get a real meal. lol Sherrill was moved and inspired by these women too and really enjoyed the trip.

Between a rigorous trip, germy airplanes and no sleep going home I got really sick. I'm not getting better so I'm off to the docs. I hope these pictures give you a window into my trip. It was this times ten. :) In my sidebar is a picture of Pam and I, please hit "click here" because when you watch the video you help ALS research. Thanks!


Chris said...

Wow! Those pictures are amazing. The colors are fantastic. I'm so happy for you to have taken this trip. What a dream trip! (By the way, don't know if it's just me, but the slide show isn't showing on your blog but I could see them if I clicked on 'view all images'. It may just be me, too. Wouldn't surprise me! LOL

Anonymous said...

The pictures are absolutely gorgeous! That includes the ones with you in them! I've missed your presence here in blogland. Your in my prayers every day. Lots of hugs and love to you.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What fun you all must have had - those photos are just gorgeous - the trees aren't bad, either, lol. You all look great. Sorry that plane whacked you on the head. Hope the doctor's visit helps knock that nasty bug out. Sending lots of love and virtual chicken soup to you! (Not nearly as tasty as that lobster you were smooching, but I hope it helps!)~XOXO

emmapeelDallas said...

Tammy, I LOVE these pics, and your trip sounds absolutely wonderful! I'm so glad you've posted this. How terrific that you got to see the fall colors (I've never done that!) and eat lobster, and meet Pam at long last. You're an inspiration to all of us! I hope you're feeling lots better soon.


Anonymous said...

Fooling around on the net and came across your blog looking for an old friend. Am curious if you are the former Tammy Pontrella who taught me how to shuffle cards the fancy way so many years ago.

Pete Johnson

turquoise cro said...

Phew! Those pics of YOU as Robin and Pam as Batman are priceless!!! What a GREAT chuckle, YOU two are ornery catbirds for sure!God Bless Sherrill and what a Sweet time YOU had meeting Nancy too! You do look like sisters! All your pics are Beauty Full!!! Now, GET WELL little darling! LOVE and prayers, Cinda (((((Tammy))))Are YOU the one who taught Pete to shuffle???!!!I'll be back to find out tomorrow! hehe Sweet Dreams! I bet Dave really missed YOU! ((((Dave))))

Pam said...

So, ARE you the one who taught Pete to shuffle? It occurred to me, when I read this, that I don't know your maiden name or your name from your first marriage. Tune in tomorrow folks!

Get well soon, my very dear friend.
I love you!

Anonymous said...


You've made me cry again at work. You are so beautiful in your determination to succeed. Bless you for sharing the joy and sadness of your life.


Nancy said...

This is making me a little emotional! It is so bittersweet to have met you. Mostly sweet, of course...but "bitter" because I miss you so...and you're all the way over there.
Please write me or call, about how you're feeling with the new meds.

I love you, sista!


Gill said...

Your photos are lovely Tammy, sounds like you had an amazing trip! Hope you are feeling better.

Cathy said...

I love the pictures of your great adventure. Just wonderful. I know that virus that you have. It sounds exactly like the one that's making my Mom and hubby fairly miserable. Those antibiotics should soon have you righted.

I was very moved by the ALS video. I'm glad you made it available to us.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I couldn't be more happy for you and this trip! What a wonderful journey and a wonderful meeting with your kindred spirit. I am so sorry you cam back ill and hope you are feeling better very soon. I know how much this all meant to you and is probably the greatest birthday gift. YOU are beautiful my friend. Sherrill is an extraordinary friend.
I SO hope I can find a way to meet you one warrior you, you with the indomitable spirit.

Kelly said...

It's always a good thing when a trip lives up to its expectations (well, you know, except the whole jetlag thing!) A small price to pay though, right? I'm jealous that you got a chance to travel. I need a vacation!

kate said...

I hope you are starting to feel better. Your trip sounds like an absolutely delightful one. Lucky for both Pam and you to have been able to spend time together. Sherrill is one of those truly lovely people ... what an amazing friend!

Rachel said...

Sorry you're still feeling grim honey, let us have news of what the doc said.
As for the trip - well you look like excited teenagers having the best time ever. The pics are amazing and so beautiful, the memories will stay with you for a very long time. Btw, were you Thelma or Louise?
You rock, with bells on!

Anonymous said...

What beauty! You are blessed! Get some rest beautiful lady!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Tammy! What BEAUTIFUL slideshows! I love the music you put to them. Friends are everlasting gifts... Thank you for sharing the beauty and peace from your trip!



Giggles said...

Beautiful there anything better? I just love hearing about your travels! Your tenacity is awe inspiring! I sure hope you are feeling better!

Love and hugs Sherrie

Christy Woolum said...

Welcome home and I loved learning about your trip. I do hope you recover quickly from the germy plane and no sleep. That can get you down. Rest, restore, and retreat. Be good to yourself.

Yolanda said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time.I love the song you have playing now. Take care and be good to yourself.

Kay Cooke said...

What beautiful photos. You look so happy Thelma - or are you Louise? ;) Hoping for a speedy recovery for you . xxoo

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Fantastic! Sure do hope you are feeling much better now!

Chris said... were "kissing" the lobster....I thought you were trying CPR and was going to tell you it wouldn't help, LOL.

Great pics. Leaf peaping in the smokies is going to be sparse this year thanks to the drought :(

Anonymous said...

Your trip looks fantastic....the scenery is nourishment for the soul!
Thanks for sharing.

Andi said...

I really liked the Friendship picture. :-)

GreenishLady said...

It's just so wonderful to share these pics. Feel like I was along on the trip too! I'm really glad it was so special for you, and hope, hope, hope you will be well again soon. You got so many friends out here! Love you!

JP (mom) said...

Oh Tammy, I love these pictures and accounts of your trip -- what a wonderful experience! Tell those docs to get you better soon :) xx, JP/deb

Cathy said...

Hi Tammy,

I wanted to drop by to say 'hi' and administer this {{Hug}} to a very special person. I'm still enjoying the pictures of your friendship trip. Just beautiful. Everything about it.
Hope you're feeling better.

daisies said...

oh tammy, i hope you are feeling better ... these photos are so yummy and the fun and love you shared, wow :) am so happy you had such a beautiful time! xox

Vedrana M. said...

amazing photos, full of love :) i'm happy for all your wonderful moments