Monday, December 17, 2007

Read Write Poem - "Transitions"

This week we were given the following prompt:

Choose a book that calls to you.
Go to the end of several chapters, and find the final noun or verb.
Make a list of 10 or so words, and then write a 10- to 20-line poem using those words.
Maybe the feeling or tone of your poem will come from your emotional connection to the book you choose. Maybe not.

I chose a fellow bloggers book "Real Magic" written by Brian Fowler. He sent me a signed copy of his first book that arrived right after I moved in. I thoroughly enjoyed it! It came at a time of change for me and its amazing love story inspired this poem.


New beginnings come, reluctantly
like fall giving in to winters claim.
Winds sweeping away the dead of
fall, a shifting of life, a new day.

We have started anew, joyously
as our dreams drift like snowflakes
filling the trees with possibilities.
Blanketing us in quiet solitude.

The magic of Spring will come
whispering through the pines.
Rooted deeply in love, growth
emerges stronger in change.

by Tammy

Check out other contributions here:
To Buy "Real Magic" go here:
Visit Brian at
Photo from StockXpert


Andy Sewina said...

Hi Tammy,
What a nicely written piece - hope in the face of transition.
It's so true that 'rooted deeply in love, growth emerges stronger in change.'

Linda Jacobs said...

Love the dreams filling up the trees! Great image! Inspiring poem!

Anonymous said...

Tammy, you write beautifully, and your poemm is lovely. I like the idea of emotional changes being reflected in the seasons. I'm glad you found readwritepoem. Hope to see you again!

gautami tripathy said...

It speaks out to me as renewal. Good to read you after so long. I missed you.

better judgement

Anonymous said...


A beautiful poem, I think it's better than the book. :)

Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed reading "Real Magic". Hope this season is one of joy and peace for all.


Pam said...

Your poem is an inspiration and is beautifully written.

claireylove said...

Great to see you again Tammy ~ and your poem struck such a positive, hopeful chord. Here's to sweet, new beginnings :)

Chris said...

I don't think I could pull that off....especially since all my books are psychiatric or self-help non-fiction books;)

What rhymes with epistemology?

Anonymous said...

Lots of positivity and so very romantic, I enjoyed this immensely, thank you for sharing.


Tinker said...

"Our dreams drift like snowflakes" - I love that line! You have such a way with words~xOx

Vedrana M. said...

beautiful! love the photo too, xoxo

Becca said...

This is so lovely, and really reflects your life at the moment. You've made some major transitions, and I know that you will emerge stronger and happier in this change :)

Amber said...

Beautiful Tammy.
and Georgia just said, "Wuzt dat? I yike dat music." :)


Yolanda said...

I hope you have A Terffic Holiday Season. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Always hope, always transformation lingering in the midst of all our sorrows - I believe that.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

It's soooo good to have you up and running again! Loved the poem.

Have a great CHristmas, friend!

Kay Cooke said...

Have the best Christmas ever!
love from me.
See you in the New Year.

JP (mom) said...

I love this poem, Tammy! Transition an transformation are the gifts of an ever-unfolding life. Peace & love to you, xx, JP/deb

david mcmahon said...

G'day from Australia, Tammy,

As a writer. novelist, I do like Brian Fowler's message - and I hope and pray that your own personal battle is won.

My very best wishes and prayers of strength to you and all you love.

Keep smiling


Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem Tammy!

Hope you have a super Christmas in your new home!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,
What a wonderful poem. I wish you and Dave a really wonderful Christmas, especially in your new home!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

i enjoyed seeing your slideshows on the left; peeking inside your new house. thanks for sharing all those with us!

Tabor said...

A good poem...and I am glad you took the challenge so that we can see the results! Have a happy holiday time, girl.

Sky said...

this is a beautiful poem, so well written and filled with lovely imagery.

happiest holiday wishes to you and dave and the kids.

Nancy said...

I could have sworn I left a comment here. Well, you KNOW I love your writing...and you also know how much I can relate to you, especially to this "transitional" time.
Love ya bunches,


Tinker said...

Though I think I commented on your lovely poem already - I just had to come by to wish you a very merry Christmas my friend. Hope it was happy and blessed - you deserve the best~xOxOXO

Christy Woolum said...

Blessing in 2008 as you continue in your changing life.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Many blessing to you this Christmas season. Much love and prayers for a prosperous New Year. I love the feel when I visit you.