Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday Love - Shutter Sisters

Brotherly Love

My grandson Ethan is six and in big boy school much to the chagrin of his three year old brother Dimitri. When Ethan gets home he looks forward to being an attentive big brother and hanging with his bro's. He loves holding his baby brother Warrick and hanging out with Dima. I thought his body language in these shots were oozing with Thursday love!
Pictures by mom, Jolene, toyed with by grandma Tammy. ;)


emmapeelDallas said...

Those are great pics, and all four of your grandsons are such handsome guys!

I can't believe you have 4 grandsons though! You look like a teenager yourself!


Anonymous said...

Such beautiful boys. What a lucky Grandmother you are to have such sweet and beautiful grandsons. I love when you take their picutes, you capture the perfect images. Pure love.

Janet said...

What adorable boys!!!

Ursula said...

I concur with everyone above-adorable! How lucky you all are to have each other!

I know you're having a Happy Love Thursday! ;)

Nancy said...

Yup...oozing love alright.

You captured it perfectly.

Love and kisses,


Lady North said...

Love your LoveThursday shots of your kids - love your haircut as well and thank you so much for leaving a comment on my photos. Made my Day! Blessings LadyNorth

Lucy said...

How adorable Tammy! You are so lucky to have such sweetie pies in your life! ♥

daisies said...

these are so full of love and so much beauty : ) xo

TJ said...

Makes me lonley for when the boys were little. I use to pose them and snap photos for ever...beautiful entry Tammy.

UL said...

lovely pics Tammy, Warrick is a Jan 14th baby is he not? he is a cutie...

Pam said...

I absolutely love these pictures, a child's love is so pure.

I have rented August Rush and I'm looking forward to seeing it. And, as always, I love your poetry.

I would like to say that I am simply envious of your beautiful waterfall but nope, I have to say I am just plain jealous! Green, I tell you!

Giggles said...

Adorable! Nothing sweeter than a loving sibling!

Hugs Sherrie