3WW - Write on Wednesday
Write on Wednesday had asked "What drains the energy from your “writing mind”? What do you do when your creative battery dies?
*Sijo is either narrative or thematic, this lyric verse introduces a situation or problem in line 1, development (called a turn) in line 2, and a strong conclusion beginning with a surprise (a twist) in line 3, which resolves tensions or questions raised by the other lines and provides a memorable ending. 3 lines of 14-16 syllables.
When I'm feeling sad or hurt I find it very hard to be creative. It's only after the negativity has stopped dominating every thought in my head, that I can write again. Forgiveness opens up the flood gates of feelings, but it's the prompts of my writing club's that pushes me forward. I take the residue of pain and use that prompt to write, heal and move on. I find that when a piece is close to my heart the readers can feel my writing. I once had my daughter get angry at me when she became a new mother. She did not return my calls for a month of my TK's life. That pain came out in a powerful poem thats emotion even surprised me. When I have written a piece close to my heart, good or bad, they are my favorites.
http://mylifeasawarrior.blogspot.com/2006/04/power-they-hold.html That poem to my daughter. I was just learning poetry and someday I might edit but not yet.
Photo from Dave's rose garden, taken by him.
What a gorgeous photo and such true words written. Hugs Tammy, I hear ya!
Tammy, I think what I enjoy so much about your writing is the strong emotional connection you sustain in every post. You write about real things, close to the heart -- it's always good to visit here.
Tammy I usually write best when I'm having emotional times.
wow. The power in your poem to your daughter was amazing
It takes so long to get family right and by the time we do....it's exhausting
Like you I have to write what's bothering me, but not selling my apartment's taking everything out of me
AH HA! The Sijo appears and I like it very much. And I'm like that too, before I can write I've got to settle things in my heart first.
I'd read that poem to your daughter a few weeks ago and it told your feelings perfectly. No editing needed.
Tammy, you express emotions we all can connect with in your writing, which is what makes is so powerful.
This poem is so heartfelt, there is no editing required. It's all there just perfectly on the page.
And where do you come up with these neat poetry forms? I never heard of a Sijo before?
Thanks so much for sharing your heart :)
The photo is beautiful, Tammy - and the words come across so heartfelt...wishing you peace of mind and heart, through whatever's going on~XOXO
Lovely expression of your feelings in your poetry. Sijo is a new form to me, also. Perhaps I'll give one a try and introduce it to my writing class. They come up with so many different types, but never this one.
Wow Tam, You DID set your feelings free in that VERY heartfelt, emotionaly powered poem to your daughter. DOn't edit it.. it is from the heart and exactly how it should be. Your poem here is also so moving! these writng prompst ARE so motivating, and like an artist inspired by beauty to paint... emotions of any kind inspire us to put it all out there on the page. I LOVE that visiting you is just a click away.
You really make my day Sweet Tammy. ♥
Another great, heartfelt post. I'm a great believer that talent is nurtured by adversity. It makes a person look inwards, and the creativity that can flow is full of the positive.
Writing is great therapy as well as the best form of communication ever.
You have the gift of translating emotions to the written word.
Strong emotion is both a creative prompt and a roadblock for me. I think some of my best writing comes when I'm emotionally charged and at the same time strong emotions can keep me from expressing myself.
Weird huh?
Your photo is as lovely and eloquent as your words. this is beautiful.
A beautiful post! I find that writing can be a release of troubles. When I write, somehow burdens are lifted.
Forgiveness is a powerful thing, is it not?
And it's just as powerful when someone withholds it. I'm glad you gave it and moved forward.
I, like you, just want to clam up into a damp hole when I am feeling put upon or someone I love hurts my feelings. And, as a result, I don't want to write anything much less blog. I want to vent...but I know that is not a good way to blog! You are still my inspiration, gal.
we all have these moments where we think we can't write a thing but it usually passes
getting through that phrase is always a challenge but you seem to have become more creative
thanks for your visit
I have so much the same experience as you; when I'm upset or have been unkind (especially to my husband), I'm good for nothing: can't write, can't blog, can't eat, etc.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my wee blog. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. :)
(As I'm typing this, I'm listening to your music. I can't believe it! You love Eva Cassidy, too. I <3<3<3 Eva Cassidy!)
When I'm hurt, I generally get weird and when a mom is a new mom they tend to get weird for awhile too. Doesn't make it hurt any less, but I'm glad it over for you.
Again, Tammy, your words are so powerful and at the same time so very tender...
Also thanks for sharing the Sijo form...I'll have to give it a try soon :-)
You do so well with these prompts and new forms! Because, I think, you do not hold back.
I enjoyed your Hanging with Celebrities, too! Good job.
Your posts make me think. You write so well.
Dear Tammy please don't change a word of your poem, that was who you were and how it was, then ... as you say "when I have written a piece close to my heart, good or bad, they are my favourites." I often wonder who teaches these people, who were once our beloved babies, how to dish out disrespect? What goes round comes round, will they have a similar circumstance, I hope not, but life is a strange thing! Loved your full of wisdom post! Thank YOU.
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