Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sinus Surgery Done!

A sinus surgery to remove polyps is easy for a normal person, but add ALS and you get an adventure. We left for a SLOW 30 minute drive to a surgery center in the snow. It was 6:00 am and dark. Dave had cleared a safe path from the door to the truck. I took my first step off the porch and slid into a slow fall, as Dave tried to stop it. I was a tad sore but mainly wet and cold from my landing. The snow had fallen from the trees during the night.

As the nurses prepped me, the Anaesteseologist came in. A very dapper, white haired, handsome man. I asked the group of nurses "what is it about this small town and the GQ doctors?" They giggled as one said "we have several that are bootylisious." My Ortho guy, my sinus guy and my Anasteseolosist are very handsome. The nurses named 4 others and one was called Dr. Boody, I kid you not, I made her spell it. I said ladies " I'm seeing an ALS fundraising opportunity here" as they gathered around I said "a calendar of these dapper docs." They loved the idea. LOL Dave was laughing in the corner at his crazy wife. When my doc came in he had a sheepish grin as word got back to him about the nut behind the curtain. I said "I see big things in your future and you can even wear the scrubs."

I had to sign off on the procedure and I asked the nurse to interpret it. She mentioned my polyps and followed that with and basically a nose job. WHAT? I need to see doc GQ ASAP! I asked him "what's wrong with my Italian nose, too big?" He laughed and replied "it would be inside IF needed only." Whew! I did ask, since he does plastic surgery, if he'd do a boob lift and tummy tuck while I'm in the operating room. He replied "so you want the works?" I said " nah, just keep my boobs out of my armpits and flatten the shelf they rest on." lol The ladies were roaring with laughter.

I was so groggy when I woke up I could barely speak. I had to pee and I guess they thought I'd said pain instead of pee. I got a shot of heaven in my IV! When I once again awoke I was forced to use a bedpan that was not under me properly. Oops! A gal named Daisy was always by my side, stroking my hair, cleaning me sweetly and such an angel. I wanted her to come home with me. What a pleasant group!

Dave pulled up in front of our steep driveway, that he had just cleaned, to park down for me. It was covered in fallen snow and he had to walk a drowsy, off balanced woman all the way down. I go up better than down on my best day and it was COLD! We did it and Dave was a great nurse. He dealt with the gross parts of nose surgery like a champ. I never had any pain either, now that is very cool indeed! Your prayer's and thoughts did the trick. Thank you!


Queen-Size funny bone said...

Sinus surgery includes turning your nose into a snout? glad things went well except for the minor spill on the way out. Feel better soon.

paisley said...

i did not expect to hear from you so soon so that in itself is an accomplishment!!! get some pic's of those bootilicious doctors,, as we would like to print them out and make a calendar!!!!!

Tabor said...

If I have to have surgery in the future I want you by my side. With your attitude everyone in the room will be in a great mood and doing their best! They are so lucky to have you as a patient!!

JP/deb said...

Tammy! Your humor, indomitable spirit and resilience are ever inspiring. I'm so glad the surgery went well and you were surrounded by competent (sexy) docs! Peace & love, deb

TJ said...

Good Lord gurl!
I would think facing the drive is right up there with the surgery!!
I do think of the two of you up there and isolated.
There is much to be said for the beautiful landscapes but I would have anxiety for sure.
Happy can pick up yous at my blog, follow the lead.
Love TJ

Anonymous said...

Been quiet here but had to pop by to see how you are. I'm so glad the surgery is behind you and that the recovery is well underway. Sending healing thoughts your way.



Anonymous said...

Yes, worthy of a blog entry indeed! lol
I'm so glad you came through with flying colors....and lots of giggles too.

When will you know if it was a success? How long would it take to smell something successfully?

Wishing you happy healing and tons and tons of love.


Forgetfulone said...

Wow. I'm glad it went well.

Lucy said...

Oh Tammy!! I can just see you entertaining all the great staff! YOU are such a super lady! I am so relieved that the surgery went so well.
I think that calendar is a million dollar idea baby!! if anyone can pull it off YOU CAN! I really love your personality and felt like I was there listening to you adorability! haha xoxo Love u!

emmapeelDallas said...

They were a pleasant group because you're a wonderful person, there's no doubt in my mind about that. I'm glad to hear it went well!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your surgery went so well, Tammy. You are a hoot - I bet you brightened up the whole surgical ward!
And those calendars sure sound intriguing, lol ;)

rel said...

I'm glad that you had a good experience, as those things go! My heart swells with pride when my compatriots live up to our code and bring a smile to the bedside to boot.

Kay Cooke said...

You were covered in prayer I can see that - and it gave your spirit room to fly and your sense of humour too!!! :) Keep well.