Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sunday Scribbling - Healing

I had thought I would take a few weeks away from blogging to learn how to use my new computer(types and talks with my eye's). I was surprised at how hard it was to learn in just a few short weeks. It was set up by a rep and she showed me how to bank my voice but I had nothing to refer back to. I could not remember every step so she emailed me a few notes. Neither worked so I asked if there was a navigation manual among the 10 manuals it came with. The answer was a suprising no. I don't give up easily so I tried the trial and error method thatt ended up being mostly errors. At one point I just walked away from it and felt defeated.

What I have kept from my blog friends was the fact that my one typing finger is failing me. Typing double letters in every other word and then editing was just making me dread posting. With posting comes commenting and it all just overwhelmed me. To add to my hurdle's spring was taking forever to arrive and lighten my load. It snowed in April and then rained for days on end. I was losing my determination, missing my blog friends and was still in my winter woollies. So how did I finally heal myself? I'm so glad you asked.

I went on Facebook and discovered many blog friends were there, old friends and new friends. I had my social network going but I had no creative outlet. I could not instant message but I found Farm Town. They gave me a virtual $1000 and a plot of land that I spend hours working on. It was creative procrastination at best but it took me out of my funk. Once I had this beautiful, huge and prosperous farm the sun came looking for me.

I called the rep to come back and she let the company know how displeased I was. I'm starting to use my weights, getting out of the house and planning a vacation. Our gardens are springing to life and I'm in a good place. Yes, I'm still editing but I'm warning you some comments will not get edited. I have decided you must use it or lose it and my mind has been my body's greatest ally.

* To get a bouquet of Tulips create three layers of Tulips and dirt. (Dave gave it a try with three clay pots, one is pictured)


Tabor said...

Tammy, my love, I am so glad that you have not given up on least completely! I am such a bad typist and speller and I have no excuses whatsoever, but I get tired of editing, so I can imagine a little bit how you feel. You are such a determined gal, you will master this, I know. Great that you have a farm going! I can rarely get into FB, so will stick to blogger.

Americanising Desi said...

is that a way towards healing?

Happy SS

Americanising Desi said...

is that a way towards healing?

Happy SS

Rinkly Rimes said...

Congratulations! You are keeping so positive despite your troubles! I really do admire you. I've often thought that, when I get even older than I am now, and I begin to fail, I hope I can still blog. I only type with one finger, anyway, and now you haven't got that. I really do admire your spirit. You'll last another 18 for sure.

linda may said...

You should be proud. You are such a strong determined lady. Yay Tammy.
Enjoy your spring, my favorite time of the year.

Nancy said...

And you didn't call me? Shame shame shame!
I never realized what a difficult time you were having. I am always here to hear.

Ooh...that's a great name for a counseling agency..."Here to Hear".

Anyway, my foot just fell asleep. Wish I could do the same. It's 4:20 a.m, ny time. Can't sleep.

I'll try calling you Monday if I can. I love that you did a healthy and fun procrastination and came back to us. We all need you.

Love ya bunches,

Nancy said...


That big beautiful butterfly on the right side of your blog makes it almost impossible to read around there.

anthonynorth said...

That's the way. Always find that positivity. It's always worth it.

Anonymous said...

Hey dear...Way to go!Think positive.Nice read.

gautami tripathy said...

You are always so inspiring. Loved the tulips!

Star said...

Oh, friend, I'm sorry to hear you've been having a tough go of it. I've been thinking of you and imagining you bringing the world to your doorstep with your new technology.

I agree with Tara that user's manuals are really useless these days. My best learning method is to be shown and to take good notes and then practice, practice, practice. Without the ability to take my own notes (in my own words so I can understand them later) I'd be lost. I hope the rep can get you back on the straight and narrow so you'll be flourishing once more on-line.

Meanwhile, enjoy the spring that has finally come to your home (and that awesome tulip bouquet!) and keep making plans.

Big Hugs,


tinker said...

The tulips are beautiful - what a cool idea! It's so good to hear from you again! I'm glad you're letting the company know they need to make it more user friendly - and I hope that prompts them to do so! That farm sounds really cool. I know there are some fun apps on Facebook, but I never seem to have time to play with them. If we ever have rainy days here again, maybe I'll try that out. We could use some rain, down here. Wish there were a way we could all trade weather, when we need it!
As for editing - no worries - it's just good to hear from you!
Wishing you a wonderful, Happy Mother's Day~XOXOXO

danni said...

tammy --- huzzah-huzzah to you for not going down in flames - you are so strong and positive that i'm inspired by each one of your posts - it would be great if we could actually meet our blogger families and do some things that would help each other out - "in a perfect world" - so happy for you that you have some new tekkie stuff - i've seen many people with physical disabilities re-open their lives with these sorts of things, and you so deserve it - so glad you shared with us what's up - you are frequently on my mind --- be blessed!!!

Lucy said...

I don't care if you ever leave a comment tam or if you do and misspell every word! I will always know your message is filled with your genuine love and good wishes!
You hang in there and keep up with the farming!!( sorry I haven't done that yet)
I also popped in to wish you THE happiest mothers day! wishing All the best of everything for my sweet friend! sending big hugs xoxoxox

Unknown said...

You are such an inspiration
Thanks for the tulip bouquet tip

GreenishLady said...

Oh, Tammy, you never cease to amaze me with your determination and that total Warrior-spirit of yours. That rep had no idea who she was dealing with! Hopefully you'll get the computer working with you as it should soon.

Hope you had a great Mothers' Day.

floreta said...

you definitely are an example of positive thought affecting body chemistry/ and illness! keep on keeping on.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Definitely keep after them about the computer. It's a window of sanity where your mind isn't bound by your body's good and bad days.

Forgetfulone said...

I'm glad you're getting out of your "funk." Send some good vibes this way, too! And glad to see you on FB, too. Beautiful photo, by the way.

Sky said...

thanks so much for telling us how you are really doing and what has been happening with you. i love FB! it is very different from blogger and doesn't satisfy a need to creatively write, but the short lines of updates and some of the quizes are fun. it is a quick way to stay a bit current with our friends.

so glad you are feeling perky again, and that you are moving toward resolving this computer issue. it will happen. think about how far we have all come in understanding our computers over the past decade. when i got my first laptop i was a wreck and moved slowly and carefully. now i explore, take risks, try new things, have learned a zillion new things about navigating the net and finding what i want. i am sure you have, too. it all just takes time. move as slowly as you need to. it will happen!

sending you many hugs and love. i know what you mean about the long winter funk of wondering when spring would finally get here! but we are now seeing the magic, and it opens us to our own renewals.

Tumblewords: said...

A fine tulip design! And a lovely blog post - spring does help, doesn't it? Winter, here, has been long, hard and dreary and it's difficult to find the ooomph to keep on keepin' on which is nine-tenths of 'healing', I think. Glad you're getting some outside time - that seems to help. I saw two quails in my tiny yard yesterday...big smile!

Mary Timme said...

I'm not the least bit surprised you haven't been telling us all of the truth. I discerned as much and was willing to wait and see what you wanted to tell us when you were ready. For myself, I'm going for a walk soon and then finishing the last day of Bible Study. I love the work, but am so ready for a vacation for a couple of months. I'll do devotions I like then.

So glad you are back to being on top and I love tulips!

Geraldine said...

I am SO glad to see a new post here Tammy. I've been worried about you, wondering what was happening in your life. I am glad that you are still able to blog and to write, even though it's difficult. That part is not good (being difficult) but you being a part of the blogging community still, that's wonderful!

Sending many hugs and good vibes your way. You have been missed!


paisley said...

well sooner or alter i am gonna come to farm land and be a real neighbor... i just don't know how to navigate the game well enough yet.....

i am so bummed that the new devise is so difficult to use... they should get you really up and moving with it before they abandon you with it,, at least i would think they should.....

paisley said...

i forgot to mention how lovely your blog looks!!!!!!!

Amber said...

I'm not even reading everyone's comments here, but I know I am going to say what many of them probably said-- I will take your spirit and being wherever, however it comes, Tammy. Fuck perfection,(you freaking virgo, lol).


Amber said...

PS, I know you fall under Libra-- but close enough. lol


Dee Martin said...

It amazes me that computers are supposed to make our lives easier but the books that tell you how still read like they are written in an alien language. I hope the rep is able to get you completely comfortable and past all the confusing language to the point where it becomes second nature! You have such a beautiful joyful spirit :)

Giggles said...

When I first saw those tulips on reader I thought what perfection. So glad you are back, and although comments are wonderful we all go through times when things are just too overwhelming to do it all... So glad you were able to take the time to amble through it...I admire your tenacity....My computer is so slow right now, which is part of my frustration!!
Good for you are incredible!!