10 Things with a "T" Connected with Me
Jodi at http://beyondthecrackedwindow.blogspot.com/ has a meme going that is harder than it seems. "The idea is I tell you ten things about me connected with an allotted letter, in this case "T." If anyone else would like to have a go, just leave Jodi a comment and she will send you a letter.
TK - My first grandson (shown above) with his new Hawaiian outfit on from his other grandparents. This is his new puppy Joe, who his parents plan to raise with TK. I would think a 5 month old would be enough work, but puppy breath is the sweetest. I can't get enough of TK! He has a special place in my heart :) I guess Joe is my 1st granddog...Oh brother!
TAMMY - I have always disliked my name, but a very special woman gave it to me (Grandma Margie). Grandma Margie loved the movie "Tammy and the Bachelor" and the song "Tammy." My mom thought an old woman named Tammy would be silly, so I was named Tamara. It is only used on legal stuff, or when mom got really mad. It was a gift from a woman who taught me how to love.
TOUCH - As I watch my hands slowly die, I savor the feelings of touch. Communicating on my blog, caressing my husband, brushing a stray hair from my child's face, writing down my thoughts and picking up a phone to hear a friends hello. I treasure each day and every touch that remains.
TALE - I love a good story. A book, conversation, articles, movies and blogs. Fiction and non-fiction, happy and sad, romantic and historical.
TROPICAL - Kauai is where I was married and where my ashes will be scattered with Dave. It is our paradise. Flowers, rainbows, warm waters, sea turtles, waves and waves of memories.
TALKER - Yes, I talk too much! My tongue is one of my failing muscles and I work it as often as I can. LOL It will be the hardest bodily function to let go of because I'm very verbal. Just ask my husband and kids. LOL I must start working on my eye communication skills. My oldest said I already have the "if looks could kill" down pat.
TENDERNESS - I love everything about this word! Dave and I give and receive this in many ways. A look, a touch, words...Love!
TESTAMENT- A person's story can inspire others in unimaginable ways. We all have a story to tell and if we share them we can help others. The Bible is full of testaments of how we can get through life's challenges. I no longer fear judgment from others. If giving my testament can encourage one person, the honesty is worth it.
TIVO - I know, I know... I'm limited in my activities and will admit it right here, I enjoy TV. I love Grey's Anatomy, ER, 24, Law & Order etc. Tivo lets me control what I watch and when I watch, commercial free...Woohoo!
THANKFUL - I have this feeling often and it gets my butt out of bed every morning. I'm thankful for the privilege of being allowed to continue this great life!
I loved to read this meme...interesting..specially how you were named Tammy..
Tammy!!!! This was magnificent - actually had me laughing and crying :-) You are a treasure :-) Superior word choices and explanations...it is such a wonderful thing to learn more and more about you.
Hugs, Meg
Ohhhhhhhh, you got to me with the "touch"...
Your list is beautiful, Tammy.
absolutely great! The entite "T" meme. Would you look at Mr Coolness? He is getting so big....they are a measurement of time aren't they.
Loved it....kisses and a smoooch for pooch baby.
Love TJ
Terrific, telling, truthful and trusting...just like you are.
great list! i think my favorite is tenderness.
i can almost here mmichael buble singing try a little tenderness. :)
I love this, especially the T-tribute to the people who have T-touched your life.
This was a thoughtful and terrific entry. Remember "Letterman" on the PBS show Zoom (Or maybe another show) who could leap capital T in a single bound?
I haven't gotten my letter assignment yet.....Jodi doesn't like me anymore:( Pouting (kidding of course)
My Blog
Darn Darn! Wish I had seen Chris' comment BEFORE I assigned one....sure wouldv'e been a "Z"
Tammy your list is wonderful..Many wonderful "T"raits that are so beautiful about you...glad that beauty spilled here and shared with us!
I like the tenderness...and the touch...
could that baby be any cuter????!
Interesting prompt with letters; I might give something like this a shot
Grandparents are so biased... :D I love your list, and you're pretty high on my list of T's too.
Just curious... why don't you like Tamara? It's a very pretty name.
Dan, beloved of Gee, twin to David.
I love this, and tried to comment before but my internet connection keeps booting me...dunno what that means!
loved your part about touch babe, it is something to consider and made me stop and think what it would be like to not be able to reach out and touch someone I loved.Even when you can no longer reach out and touch I will take your hand and run it over my face...LOve Dave
You had me lol about your name and how you are only called Tamara when your mom is mad at you! My mom did the same thing. In fact, most people don't even know Lori is actually a nickname because when she's mad is the only time I'm ever called by it!
Another wonderful, touching entry...I'm so glad to have met you.
Ohhh this was touching-
dave's comment made me very teary-what a speacial love you have-I can tell just from reading the few posts I have gotten through so far.
i think I may have to get TIVO just to save the time from commercials:)
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