Monday, June 19, 2006

Haiku for "One Deep Breath"


The Lupin grow wild
reaching for the sky parting

spreading purple fire


emmapeelDallas said...

Gorgeous photo and gorgeous haiku, too.



Becca said...

I love this one! They do look like purple fire...beautiful!

Kim said...

This is so beautiful, "spreading purple fire". Wonderful Haiku!

Unknown said...

I like the "spreading purple fire" line, too. Great poem, beautiful image.

Jennifer S. said...

oh yes, I agree "purple fire" perfection. beautiful photo too!

betty said...

beautiful! loved the pictures of the flowers.


SLW said...

Awesome! Ours are but pale shadows of this...

Annie Jeffries said...

Heavenly. See you soon Tammy. I'm writing tonight with a meet-up suggestion.

madretz said...

Absolutely beautiful!
I'd love to know where this is.

TJ said...

I have to have them...lupines!
What a self portrait, if I get time i will try it.
Love and a huge hug!
That music rocks!

Ian russell said...

i would love to be on that path right now!

you've captured the scene in a lovely poem, tammy.

Rebekah said...

The picture draws me - a fresh path is irresistible. Beautiful. And the Haiku - so lovely.

Endment said...

Along with the rest - I love the line about "Purple fire"
Would love to walk that pathZ
Where did you take the photo?

turquoise cro said...

would LOVE to walk this path too!!! Beautiful Haiku

Tabor said...

Whoa, dear. Did you have enough courage to go back inside today? I mean can you bear to miss this?

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Love it!

Tammy Brierly said...

This is a walking trail near my home in CA. I'll put up some more because it really is awesome!


the shrewness said...

the colors are so vibrant! i wish i have paths like these back in jersey...

Colorsonmymind said...


Anonymous said...

I love the "purple fire." Nice job!

Heather said...

beautiful, I love the purple and I love the poem.

Bedazzzled1 said...

The perfect match = your photograph + your haiku

You are amazing, woman!

Nikki Ü