A journey of discovery.
I've been out of town, but did not forget my pop art "Chained to the Image of Beauty." I'm so confused at how we are never happy with our beauty. The media is always telling us what beauty is and we sometimes compare our beauty and others beauty to their standards. Let's break the chains!
Created by
Tammy Brierly
3:52 PM
Tammy, you are so filled with talent, you blow me right head over heels. This is incredible, and challenging - yes, very challenging.
I come by to visit and see what your full creativity is flinging out - and for this song. It all makes me say, "Yeah." I'm ready for this day. We can do this - together we can do this!!!! Whatever it is!!!!!
loved the art, Tammy, and I agree; why do we get so wrapped up with what society thinks beauty is. I'm beautiful in the eyes of the Lord and that is all that should matter and I shouldn't get caught up with what society says, but sometimes I do; gotta work on that for myself
I'm with you too Tammy! xo Let's break em!
I must admit that I 'sort of' get sucked into this but so admire those who personalities and energy show through with their real beauty. That always outshine the surface beauty.
Perfect message...perfect sp
I think this is your best Pop Art pic yet, Tammy. And your message is one that rings loud and clear, too.
Excellent work, friend o'mine!
Nikki Ü
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