Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Jess is 21 today!

Mom took her baby for a day at the beauty salon! Yes, I'm old enough to be a mom of a 21yr old mom. LOL I watched TK while she got beautified, as you can see gramy Tammy did not do so well. We were there for two hours and I had many women helping me, but in the end he wanted mommy. I am so very lucky to have been blessed to see this come full circle. Happy 21st sweetheart!
Love you,

TJ at asked if had one wish and could go back in time, what would it be? That my children could have a strong, loving father that they could lean on. I made a really poor choice in the man I had my children with. Their pain and my guilt will remain in my heart always. I pray on it often and hold on to "whatever does not kill you, will make you stronger."


Chris said... oldest turns twenty one next May. Scary isn't it? At least I'm not a grandparent yet (teasing you:)

My Blog

Cate said...

Happy birthday to your girl! What a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing them with us! xo

Bedazzzled1 said...

You are an angel, Tammy. No better word to describe you.

Happy 21st to your pretty daughter!


TJ said...

Your wish....I am knodding my head up and down as I am listening to your muisc ( which is perfecet.
I said only one wish for one reason...I am trying to narrowed down my wishes.
Funny as we get older are we to wish for more or less...thinking about it. I will be posting mine tonight.
Love you Tammy

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESS! --from one you do not know, but who wishes you a happy day anyway!

(My oldest son is turning 41 in August! --I am not THAT old, either. Time, you old thief....)

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

BTW, both my mom and dad, and my brother and his family use to live in Elk Grove, on Bar Du. THeir neighbors had CAMELS in their pastures! My brother had an olive grove in his backyard (until his seven-yr-old son burned it down....)

Love your music!

Rachel said...

I'm glad you had a lovely time with your daughter. If we had the benefit of hindsight we would all have made different choices for the fathers of our children, but sadly that is not the case. It is not our guilt to carry around. I loved your poem, it is amazing how we find our 'families' in the strangest and most unlikely places. Well done on finding yours.

betty said...

I'm a day late, but happy birthday to your Jess! TK is beautiful! (thanks for the comment in my new journal; I'm not officially down in California yet; will be in two weeks; great about the hot flashes; just what I wanted to hear :)
