Tuesday, October 24, 2006

One Deep Breath - "Mystery" Yugen

"Yugen... describes a sense of mystery over the universe. [It] also deals with noticing the vastness of the universe in comparison to the minute nature of human existence...." -Kristin Boryca

Sky canvas, framed light
clouds swirl colors; day to night
portrait of brilliance

Dave took this off our back deck of our new home and even though all the pictures turned out too dark I managed to lighten this one.

To see other "Yugen" haiku go here


Anonymous said...

This picture is so perfect I thought it was fake (computer generated)! Wow, what a view!

Indeed, a portrait of briiliance :-)

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Yugen...what an interesting prompt. I watched a fantastic show on the science channel last night about Stephen Hawking and Black Holes, and how every particle in the universe is encoded and how the information there is retrieveable --every PARTICLE!-- so NO THING is ever truly lost. Hawking believed the opposite for 40 years, but changed his mind...I wrote a bunch of notes on the back of two envelopes (which I can't find, and I think my husband threw them away in a fit of housekeeping). Anyway, thanks for this!

Helen said...

This picture looks like a painting and your haiku describes it beautifully. Beautifully done as always. :)

susanlavonne said...

what a gorgeous scene that has been captured so well both in words and by the camera...you two sure make an artsy couple ;-)

Crafty Green Poet said...

What a stunning photo, very mysterious. Lovely words too, especially clouds swirl colours

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful view, and haiku, too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture with magical words. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Sky canvas, framed light...made me smile because of how well it works as a metaphor, because of the rhythm of the words and because it carried me with it...the first phrase opens up space and the second contains it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful view.

Anonymous said...

Lovely moment and image of words.

Anonymous said...

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