Monday, November 06, 2006

Week One of NaNoWriMo- 4621 Words

I was thinking how crazy this is for me to attempt until I read Becca's post here . It's exactly what I needed to read... THANK YOU BECCA! My finger is hanging in there but telling my story from four different characters is tough. It feels great to talk through my daughter's eyes because I can swear like a sailor and It lets out my frustration. Just started chapter two and even though I'm way behind 1670 words a day. I'm excited to know I will come out of this with a first draft. 50,000 words in 30 days or not I'm writing...WooHoo!



My friend Tink at a great suggestion for NaNoWriMo writers. It is to post once a week on what we are thankful for. Thanksgiving is almost upon us so it's a great time to count our blessings. Not to mention letting your friends know you did not fall off the planet ;)

1. That I can still use my hands.

2. My daughter Michelle made it to age 23 on the 3rd...Woohoo! Girls day out and did not write a word.

3. TK sleepover leaving me little hand prints on anything with a reflection. He kisses the baby in the dishwasher :) Only other day off but he wore me out more than typing all day. LOL

4. An amazing husband that commutes 4hrs/day to work, is fixing up two homes, does laundry, cooking, groceries and helps me. Yet drives 4.5 hours (each way) to visit his 83yr old mom and put in a new sink for her, all in one weekend. You go babe!

5. Manny is still going strong!

6. Blog friends support and emails keeps me going. I'm missing my blog life and clubs but I'm reading all your posts to keep track of everyone. Writing can get lonely!

Deep Blue - An amazing documentary on the ocean!


Pam said...

I think your husband needs a cape and the letter "S"!
Loved the picture of TK, I forgot to tell you that when you sent it.
I like your list of things to be thankful for, it's important to stop and do that, so I will add one of mine...
Thank you for you.

Susie said...

Good luck on your writing Tammy!
Your husband sounds so supportive and caring. I've often heard that a good way to judge a man's character is by how he treats his mother...

Deb R said...

So good to hear about your progress, Tammy! I miss your posts, but YAY that you've made so much progress on NaNoWriMo! You GO, girl!

Rebekah said...

I'm SO OVERWHELMED by your writing. You are so amazing and determined and... I could go on and on! I think Dave is allotted an extra portion of strength every single day. God bless him!!!!!! God bless you both!!!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I am applauding you....well I was...can't type and applaud at the same time! I'm telling you my friend your tenacity is amazing - keep going as we cheer you on to the finish line of this novel!!
Manny, what a trooper! and oh what joy to spend time with that beautiful baby!
AND your husband, your dear determined husband who obviously knows no bounds of love!
Feel the love, feel the support!

Anonymous said...

Your word count is amazing, Tammy.

Does this mean that most of your book will be told from the viewpoint of your daughter? ;-)

Love the picture of your little sweetie; the older he gets the more I see you in his face.

Write on!

Amber said...

I'm cheering for you babe! Keep it up!

That picture is so darn cute! What a sweet little chunck-ah-monk. :)


Anonymous said...

You are such a sweetie! And an inspiration to me more than ever today. Love those pics (I swear he just gets cuter and cuter! The nail biting pic made me crack up :D

Happy B-day to your daughter - and you just write away at that book, lady! Even if we don't reach all 50,000 we'll have more than we started with! But I'm betting we'll reach the finishline with a lot more words than we think we can do.
(I'm enjoying letting go with some of my characters words and antics, too :)

BTW - I'm thankful for you!

Anonymous said...

You're amazing! I love the photos and am inspired by your commitment to writing a novel.

JP (mom) said...

Dear Tammy,
Your spirit is filled with gratitude and it is a wonderful reminder of all thing beauty that life has to offer. Your husband sounds like a gem!! You deserve the gift of an amazing partner. Keep up the writing!
much peace and love, JP

BendingPeak said...

Keep up the great work. Know that you are in my thoughts.
I love that you post what you are thankful for, nice to keep things in perspective. I may have to adopt that on my blog.
Thanks for the inspiration.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I'm glad to see you're still posting, too! I'd miss you something terrible (even tho you're my buddy its not the same). Enjoyed seeing TK, and reading your list. Some guys you have there!

You're doing GREAT!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I'm really glad to read your excerpt--and so glad you are writing it! Sounds good!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of ya while you tap away at that key board. Have fun and Good luck.

Many Hugs,


Anonymous said...

You go girl! You and your magic typing finger are making marvelous progress.

This is a fascinating experience, although it definitely puts a drain on the creative resources (not to mention the physical ones!) for other projects. I miss posting on my blog more ofter, but there is simply no time or inspiration left.

I'm glad you took some time this week for yourself too, and glad there are good things happening in your family .

And your husband -what a guy! Support like that makes all things possible!

As always, you inspire me with your energy and dedication :)

Glad you posted - I was missing you xo

Nancy said...

I just love whatever you write. I can't even explain MUST know how special you are!


Tabor said...

You make me laugh. Both you and your husband have far more energy and enthusiasm for life than I have seen in a long time. Setting the bar high for the rest of us. I didn't even clean the apartment yet!

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear you're enjoying the process of Nano - I'm just about getting into the the carrier bag pic LOL!

Colorsonmymind said...

Oh Bravo you! I am so amazed by all of you doing this. It is so inspiring.

I would love to read some of what you write. I wish we could get a snippet once a week. Please?

Love to you sweetness

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

tammy, you are, like, gangbusters! Keep it up, my friend. And thanks for the beautiful pictures (I have saved them)!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing, for the life you have, with the love of what seems like the greatest man to walk this earth. And your thankful list with the pic of TK, is lovely. I miss you being here in presence. I know you are here in spirit. Stay safe and well sweetie, I can't wait to hear from you. Will try and find your email address so I can tell you about the world over here in UK, and the carnage my presence in it is creating. LOL

Chris said...

TK's little hands, that's a cute tidbit.

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