Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Week Two of NaNoWriMo- 15,347 words

Fall has finally hit the foothills and this year has been the most colorful, so it was well worth the wait. The rain has come and with it a chill in the air, but my view is making it bearable since I have strapped myself into my computer chair to write.
I've been an emotional roller coaster re-living the good and the bad of the last sixteen years in my novel. I'm writing my journey of living with ALS, but adding not only my view of it, but my girls viewpoint's as they lived it too. The layers will show my personal battle along with theirs as caregivers trying to remain kids, with an awesome courtship and love story added in. I must become them and write what they were feeling from age six on up (some of it very raw and enlightening). Not to mention I get to be Dave too ;) If you click on the blue NaNoWriMo button on my sidebar it will take you to an excerpt of our funny first date. Remember it's not had my poetic side added yet and it's a ROUGH DRAFT.

Dave hooked up my heated foot bag with massage and made me gloves to keeps hands from becoming stiff. My #1 fan!



1. Continuing to keep up my novel.

2. My friends who walk beside me in spirit.

3. Fall coming through my windows screaming to be admired.

4. My electric blanket, foot bag and peppermint mocha creamer for my coffee.

5. Manny still snoring behind me :)

6. Dave getting to fly to WA for thanksgiving where he can be with his family and totally relax playing with his grandson's. No work for Dave!!!!

7. Lynne, who will watch out for me and keep me safe for Dave :)


Anonymous said...

I must be going blind; I don't see the NaNoWriMo link.

Incredible word count!

You look toasty as you click away in front of your beautiful landscape.

Keep on keeping on, Tammy :-)

Anonymous said...

I switched off Flash because it was really irritating me waiting for that page to turn over - I wanted to read faster than that! I think this is working well, Tammy - a good blend of humour, interest and honesty.

Anonymous said...

Aha! The icon has arrived...I will go read...

Helen said...

You are such a trooper! Love those pics. I am looking forward to reading more of your novel. This is a gift for the whole family.:)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I want the foot warmer too! No wonder you're doing so well :)

Every time I sit down to write, I think of you and I'm inspired.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you look so comfy and cozy in your foot warmer and gloves! What a sweetie Dave is.

I'm glad you're writing is going well - I am so happy for you. I know it must be hard, but you just keep trodding on!! You truly are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

You go Tammy! and may the writing of it be healing in its own way.


Joyce Ellen Davis said...

My husband bought me a little space heater I keep going while I type. The glow is nice and red and warm (as long as it doesn't set the dogs tails on fire--they like to lay as close to it as they can get without actually going up in flames).

Fall is about gone here--the wind blew the last of the leaves off last night. There was some hail this morning when I drove the boys to school. I came home, turned on the heater, filled up my cup with Diet Cherry Vanilla Pepsi and thought of you, typing away just down the road and over the mountains!

You're doing such a great job! I am so proud to have met you and to count you among my best buddies!

Pam said...

Love the pictures... I ADORE my footbag and a friend made me gloves like that...aren't they perfect?

You go girl! You are amazing and wonderful and I love your FIRST DRAFT. Can't wait for the book!

Anonymous said...

You're on an amazing journey, literary and otherwise. Big hug.

Tabor said...

So looking forward to the finished product. Or are you going to publish it?

Anonymous said...

Tammy, I so love your blogs and I am happy to have stumbled across them! I too took on the writing challenge, although it has been a bit slow going. I took on the challenge of the MS150 bike ride from City to Shore this past September. I thought training for that was hard and I also thought that doing NaNoWriMo would be so much easier than the grueling physical pace of 150 miles and 18 hours on my bike. Boy was I wrong! Somedays I feel like a deer in the headlights with the writing. But it is fun and I applaud everyone out there taking on the challenge.

Anonymous said...

You're doing great, aren't you! Congrats on keeping up with the novel! TI

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,
Beautiful photo of nature's bounty! The photo of your set-up hit me right in the heart. My dear sister lived with scleraderma for three years. She had similar challenges with circulation. She didn't let it prevent her from living and loving and teaching. People always told her how brave she was, and what a soldier she was. But when I was with her she just cried and cried and told me how afraid and angry she felt.

You inspire me a lot. Keep going with the writing. Also, thanks for sharing all of this on the blog. It changes my world view.

Annie Jeffries said...

I look forward to reading your amazing story someday Tammy. I hope it gets shared with the world.

Anonymous said...

You're doing great, and TK is getting so darn big. Oh, it looks like those writers in Seattle are kicking butt, it must be all this rain we're getting here-not much else to do but write.

I can't wait to read a new excerpt!

Many Hugs,


Endment said...

More and more cheers come from this corner of the globe

Love the footwarmer!

Anonymous said...

Things I am grateful for:
You, your inspiration and words, beautiful pics of you and TK, your life and the spirit you have to life it to the max.
Gorgeous post Tammy, as always, a glimpse into you

Vedrana M. said...

good luck with your novel! xoxo

Unknown said...

Great to hear the writing is going well. You have an important story to share.
Patrick http://journals.aol.com/daddyleer/CaregivinglyYours/

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!! Go, Sarah-um, I mean Tammy! I just finished reading the excerpt - Great!! I kept oo-ing and ah-ing so much, I have everybody's curiousity now. They'll have to wait their turn on the computer though, lol.

Now I want to read the rest of the story - so keep writing, lady! :)


Anonymous said...

I for one am looking forward to reading your journey when it's finished. I really do hope it'll find it's way into my hands in book shaped form! Will read the extract later when I have a little more time!

Chris said...

Lovely fall picture Tammy!

I am proud of you for your dedication on the novel. I have too much going on write now to even consider it. I've written one before and I know how much work it is.

Have a great thanksgiving!

My Blog

Amber said...

Are you in the mountains now? maybe I could come up to visit this week! Kory is home, so I could leave the midgets.

I am proud and happy for all your work, friend.

ox :)

Anonymous said...

I read your excerpt.....what a sweet love story. I am so thrilled you are doing this novel, you ARE a warrior...keep going Tammy, I am cheering for you!!