Tuesday, March 13, 2007

One Deep Breath - Stillness/Calm/Haiku

Just before I sleep
darkness cradles my mind
whispered prayers released

Just before sunrise
birds singing to peaking sun
moist air fills senses

Quiet stills my mind
sleeping dog curled up at feet
book and tea at hand

To enjoy other visit ODB here
Photo StockXpert


TJ said...

ahhhhhh that is a comfort. I hope you post it at Write Words Kiddo.
Hope you are feeling better.
I loved the slide show...had to do one.Hugs..
Love TJ

Anonymous said...

Tammy, these are beautiful and so moving. I am hoping you are feeling better.

gracie said...

Oh so beautiful... blessed are you, peacesharer and deep life sensing soul.

Anonymous said...

Tammy, These are so soothing! Very nice!

Vedrana M. said...

wonderful, just beautiful -thank you for sharing :) xoxo

Becca said...

These are all some of my favorite moments of quiet time...number three is my favorite :)

Pam said...

How soothing, and perfect. Feel better, Tammy.

Kim G. said...

Book, tea, dog - what could be better? :)

Amber said...

Lovely, Tammy.
I love the feeling.

Hope you are feeling better. I have started using Afrin to open things up. Ugg!


daisies said...

so quiet and peaceful ... your words bring a quiet into my soul as i read them and that photo is so fitting ...

Tinker said...

I love the picture those last lines bring to mind. Thanks, Tammy. xo

Tinker said...

I love the picture those last lines bring to mind. Thanks, Tammy. xo

Anonymous said...

Three good ones, Tammy! I appreciate every one of them.

rel said...

I admire your ability to write beautiful verses while you are feeling poorly.
The first on Caressed my mind with it's soothing beauty.
"cradles my mind
whispered prayers released"

I hope spring weather helps you get well sooner.

Nancy said...

Ahhhhhhhh...you do have a way with words my friend. The first is my fave...but I love all.



kj said...

hey, where have i been?!

nice as always to catch up on your blog. i've never written one of these--you do a nice job of it!

(hope you'll up and well...)!

Jone said...

Tammy, so beautifully inspired. Love the last line as I sit with my tea.

Unknown said...

Wonderful images, around here it would be a "sleeping cat with claws in lap" that insures the quiet of a book and tea.
Patrick http://journals.aol.com/daddyleer/CaregivinglyYours/

wrchili said...

Great haiku and the photograph is beautiful! I like the last one the best. Those are the best kind of mornings. I wrote a haiku similar to your second one. It was what I felt walking my dog early one morning.

Scribbles said...

Really loved the last one!

Waspgoddess said...

So beautiful and peaceful. I will think of the first when I go to sleep tonight.

Anonymous said...

Morning babe,
Loved all three and the picture.The second one made me wish even more that I was home and listening to the birds while tinkering in the back yard...Love Dave

Kay Cooke said...

Moments of peace - how peciuous they are - and you have captured them brilliantly in a few strokes of the pen. Enjoy your moments of peace - and th busier times too. Hope you're feeling better?

A bird in the hand said...

Thank you for your sweet comment. You see why I hold you dear, daily warrior who survives so well.... xoxo

turquoise cro said...

Sweet, Sweet, Tweet, Tweet! xoCinda

Annie Jeffries said...

Comforting and calming all through Tammy.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Beautiful and calming. Hope you're feeling better....