Friday, April 13, 2007

Surprise Gifts & Create a Connection

My girlfriend Mary came from out of town for a wonderful girls day. She made me a no-sew fleece blanket with bears and deer for the new house. It is two pieces that are cut and tied in knots to hold the fabric together. Too cute and very warm! Tara at Paris Parfait tried sending a package months ago for my french kitchen but it was lost in the mail. She surprised me with a second try and it arrived. A beautiful linen vintage table cloth, book on arranging Dave's flowers, home decor book for new house and some yummies. Does she know me or what? Thank you my friends. :)

My buddy Pam at Mind Trips made this for me while I was on my spring break and I LOVE it! Thanks Batman :)

Dave gave me the green light on a non-house makeover purchase...Woohoo! French coffee press at Amazon for $20. Happy camper!

An apple blossom from TK and Niiki love was a special shot. Create a Connection Thursday was to be a hand shot. What? It's in the shot. ;)
Create a Connection Wednesday was hosted by Tammy at Mimmsical Creations for Getting to Know You.
1. question #255 - If you had to change your first name, what would you choose as your new name?
I have always liked Gabrielle but not Gabby. I'm a Tamara and have never liked it.
2. question #158 - What is your favorite saying, quote, or expression?
"Let go, let God" and "no shit, Sherlock"
3. question #49 - If you could buy any rare collection in the world, which would you choose? Why?
Monet's collection
4. question #1 - If you could fly in a hot-air balloon over any city in the world, what city would you choose? Why that city? Have you visited there before?
Vienna, Austria because of "The Sound of Music" and Swiss alps. My daughter went in high school to see it for me. She brought it home for me.
5. question #221 - What is an item you own that has a minimal monetary value but has such sentimental value that you would not sell it for $5,000?
My wedding ring is a simple band with a few begets but it's priceless.

I entered a poem in a No. Ca poet's journal book and they accepted my poem for print in June...WOW! It's a free book but published. :)


Tammy said...

I LOVE the picture of you with TK and the pup!! SO cute!!

I always thought I might want to be Tamara, but mine is just Tammy... I guess it fits me though! There was another Tammy in my high school class. Not only was she Tammy, but her middle name was similar too. Sheesh! (I'm Tammy Dale - she was Tammy Dawn.)

I can totally understand your wedding ring too - totally priceless!! I don't have one (yet!) but I know I'll feel that way too!

Anonymous said...

I loved this whole post, especially your answers to Create A Connection.

paris parfait said...

You deserve all the goodies, Tammy. And yes, the wedding ring has a sentimental value far beyond any costs. Congrats on your poem! Please let me know where I can read it once it appears - or maybe you'll post it online for all of us to enjoy? I'm so pleased for you, Tammy. See I told you people weren't just saying complimentary things about your poetry! :) xo

Kim G. said...

Hoo-ray! Congrats on the poem and thanks for sharing the fun parts of your day. Presents are so much fun!

I want to ask you what you think of "My Sister's Keeper". My daughter saw it at the bookstore today in the young adult section but I wondered if it might be too mature for her. She's 12 - do you think it's appropriate for that age group?

Julie said...

Such treasures you've received in the mail, but I had to giggle when I saw the Candice Olson book. My husband and I watch her show on HGTV and, while we really like some of the things she does, we've agreed that we won't be offering up our house for one of her makeovers. I do think she has some neat ideas though and would love to see what is in her book.

Cute pic for the CaC. I agree with owning Monet's works--*sigh*.

Congratulations on having your poem accepted for publication! Can I have your autograph? :D

Enjoy your weekend, Tammy (a.k.a. Gabrielle).

Anonymous said...

Yes, please let us know when your poem is published!

I am a coffee fanatic but have never tried a french press. Do you find it superior to a drip machine?

Anonymous said...

Darn.....I keep forgetting to change my name/webpage to Casa.

Charlotte/aka TM

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Hurrah! {Applause}

Deb R said...

I loved your photo Thursday pic, Tammy! Enjoyed reading your answers to the meme too. Big congrats on getting a poem published!! Yay!!!

emmapeelDallas said...

Congratulations on being published! Woo Hoo! That's something to celebrate.



Tabor said...

Being a published author...who knew! I expected as much, because your writing is wonderful. You have that ability to be concise and create a huge picture at the same time.

I love my french coffee press and use it every morning.

Jana B said...

I had a friend named Tamara in school... i think she hated the name too LOL

French coffee press? Hmm... I don't even know what a coffee press is. (Probably because I don't like coffee that much) I have my sights set on a yummy cappucino machine... *happy sigh at thought*

Hehehe love the apple blossoms in the photo. Too cute.

I've thought of naming one of my children Gabryella. (I have a think for Y's in names...) Gabi for short. (Which, if she has my attention span and hyperness... she probably WILL be gabby, whether I call her that or not LOL)

Your favorite sayings crack me up... kinda like my fav acting roles being a cop or a serial killer... LOL Great alone, but funny when combined.

Austria??? *happy sigh at thought*

WOO HOOOOOOOO Congrats on being published!!!!! *happy dance*

Pam said...

Arent't suprise gifts fun? I think the blanket is terrific and books are always a welcome sight.

Flowers and a kiss, can't beat that!

Monet, my favorite painter!

And you already know how excited I am that you are being published, it's not surprising.

I already have another name...Spike!

turquoise cro said...

mmmMMMMM a nice cozy blanket!!!! Beauty full tablecloth! and a poem published!!! Yayyyyy! and that apple blossom pic of YOU, TK and Nikki is priceless! SWEET! I wish I could come over for coffee!!! LOL xoCinda

daisies said...

fabulous gifts : )

and jump up and down woo hoo congratulations on the publication !!!

: )

there is nothing better than seeing your work in print :)

Becca said...

What fun, all those great gifts~ surprises like that are just the best. Your French kitchen is going to be awesome.

I love, love, love, the picture of you, TK, and sweet Niki :) I want one like that with my pups~it's so darn cold here, all the blossoms have frozen, though.

And I am SO proud of you getting your poem published! Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

You're quite lucky to have such good friends to send you wonderful gifts!
That photo of you, TK and pup make me smile real big. That's a winner.

Congrats..big congrats...on the poem.


Jone said...

Love the photo. I haven't used it in awhile bu "no sh**, sherlock" is fun to day. Congrats on getting a poem accepted. Is it on your blog.
I tell you writing a poem a day keeps me from visiting much.