Tuesday, May 15, 2007

One Deep Breath - "Nurture"

A blue eyed smile
pillowed cheeks, wet kisses
nurtures heart and soul

A grandmother's
unconditional love
second chances

Grandson's smile
humming bird wings
tickle my heart.

To read other's at One Deep Breath go http://onebreathpoetry.blogspot.com/
The photo is TK, my grandson, at 17mos.


JP (mom) said...

He would "tickle my heart" too!! Beautiful! Much peace & love, JP

Pam said...

I love this, especially "pillowed cheeks." You say what you feel so beautifully.

Anonymous said...

TK is adorable.
I loved the video!
Thanks for sharing,

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Loved looking around your place this morning--everything. What a dancer TK is! What a great little peek at you "shopping."

Have a good time looking around your new house!

susanlavonne said...

what a sweet photo and heartfelt haiku...a genuinely restoring break in a busy day...thanks, Tammy

Julie said...

"hummingbird wings tickle my heart" - it can't get much better than that, can it?

These are really lovely (and so is TK!)

Unknown said...

I liked how you worked in second chances with respect to grandmotherhood, because mothers make mistakes no matter how hard they try. It gives me hope.

written voize said...

Vividly expressed. Luv the haiku!

daisies said...

hummingbird wings tickle my heart .. oh yes !!

beautiful ...

get zapped said...

Tammy, you really hit home with these. The second one is fantastic! Thank you ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome, pillowed cheeks! This is a very sweet set.

Jana B said...

OMW He is JUST SO DARN CUTE!!!! I love his wittle eyes!

Anonymous said...

Great poems about an adorable little guy. Your love shines through loud and clear!

Becca said...

"hummingbird wings"~what a great line!

He is a stunner! No wonder he "tickles your heart!"

Regina said...

Look at those blue eyes! What a cutie! Love the pillowed cheeks, too!

turquoise cro said...

SWEET! i LOVE the close-up of TK and the haiku is right on! YOU can see you would get wet kisses!!! LOL 17 mo???!!! Already??!! XO, Cinda

Clare said...

TK looks like such a sweetheart! And I love your poem -- especially the lines "pillowed cheeks, wet kisses" and "humming bird wings/ tickle my heart." Lovely images!

Jone said...

Adorable. Aren't grandchildren the best. Your haikus made me smile.

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful!
The poem is such a wonderful treasure :)

Amber said...

Aww! Look at those eyes and slobber chin. lol! Gotta love the slobber chin years. *sigh*

Your poem is so full of love.


gautami tripathy said...

This is a beautiful post about a beautiful boy.

Anonymous said...

oh, love the humming bird wings tickling your heart - and I can see just why!

Patois42 said...

Fantastic poems. Your second one is so true. And your "pillowed cheeks" in the first haiku brings such a smile of agreement to me.

Tabor said...

You get so many comments, I can't imagine you have time to read them all. Thanks for playing the game and I think your answers were truly thought-provoking as always. Aren't grandchildren so wonderful?

TJ said...

Oh Tammy!
The words just flow love....look at him!! He is 17 months already!!!! Where does time go?
Love you!

Chris said...

OMG he has YOUR EYES completely! Adorable!

Kay Cooke said...

Simply beautiful Tammy! xxx and hugs.

Left-handed Trees... said...

What a sweetheart!

Giggles said...

An absolute doll! Sweet as can be, such pure love and innocence!
Beautifully described!

Hugs Sherrie

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

"Pillowed cheeks" - how adorable - child and poems.

Anonymous said...

awww- your love is eloquently expressed in this tanka
(he is ADORABLE!)