Monday, May 21, 2007

One Deep Breath - "Viewpoint" Tanka

Green meadow
trees lifting their skirt's
stepping back
giving way to sun
softness beckoning

Blues of spring
deceptive water
cooled by snow
blue sky hides the sun
body chilled to blue

I took a mini respite from blogging to check out the progress on my retirement home. The house is feeling like a home, but can you tell me how men can't tell white, from off white, from off off white? LOL Dave worked non stop, but on our journey home Dave captured a meadow and a lake not five minutes from the house. I'm beginning to get excited!

To see other "Viewpoints" visit


Kelly said...

it makes me want to move out there and be your neighbor!

Jana B said...

You call your new house your "retirement home"? *raising eyebrow*

I LOVE the blue poem and photo... Makes me want to go swimming!!!!!!! (Cold or not, swimming is fun!)

Pam said...

Love the poems, especially the "trees lifting their skirts."

Woo hoo, what a place! I'm getting excited for you and am looking forward to tales of discovery.

Love you!!!

Julie said...

I like the "trees lifting their skirts" line also--brings to mind a square dance where the tree ladies are backing away from the grassy square. I'm so glad you enjoyed your weekend away :)

turquoise cro said...

WoWieeEEEE! Tammy! I'm packing my bags! LOL You'll have to get a lil canoe!! HAPPY Monday back at cha!sweets!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I'd be excited, too!

I have a lake 15 minutes from my house...but it's half salt and there are meadows of dead brine shrimp at the edges. No trees lifting their skirts. And sometimes it smells bad. But they say you can't sink in it.:D

GreenishLady said...

Oh, what beautiful country to live in! I'm so happy for you that it's shaping up. Loved the tankas.

BendingPeak said...

Beautiful pictures and wonderful words.

Anonymous said...

Pretty pictures!! I'm getting excited for you.

emmapeelDallas said...


It looks SO beautiful. I can feel the sun on my face...I can't wait to see more.


Clare said...

gorgeous photos and really lovely poems!!

Vedrana M. said...

amazing landscape!! oh, just beautiful...

vicci said...

I am excited too! This is a most beautiful place to live! Can't wait until your 'here'....:-)
The pictures of the house are great! Thanks for sending them Sweetie....I'll be happy to help you decorate...or anything! Maybe work in the yard! :-)

daisies said...

i am getting excited for you especially seeing these gorgeous photos ~ wow, the air must be amazing to breathe in, crips and fresh :)

sandy said...

Beautiful. Beautiful.


Crafty Green Poet said...

oh that will be a wonderful place to live!

Regina said...

Oh my goodness... what a beautiful place to put down new roots!

Anonymous said...

'lifting their skirts' is wonderful... And blues of spring is totally a new way to view spring. Lovely pieces, Tammy! And gorgeous photos.

Anonymous said...

Love that 'lifting their way to sun'. Great images. (Not necessarily an indication of where my mind is at).
Nice photos

Becca said...

I agree with everyone else - that is a great line ;)

I would be getting very excited if I were you...looks like you're heading to a fabulous part of the country.

The blues in that photo were gorgeous!

Clockworkchris said...

Very beautiful tanka-I love the pictures and story behind them. Using colored lettering was impressive. I like the repetition of blue in the 2nd one.

rel said...

Wonderfully descriptive tanks of a slendiferous place! You licky duck, I'm so envious. ;-)

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

How beautiful, I want to live there! Thank Dave for taking those pictures 'just for us'. heehee. Loved the skirt line, and the "blue sky hides the sun" -- quite clever.

Excitement building is a good thing.

megan said...

looks like you've created a beautiful new viewpoint for yourself!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,

Lovely tankas to accompany these azure photos!
Yum- Glad your retirement home is coming along so nicely. I hear you about men and the "whites" in colors. As an artist, it "grinds my grits" when my darling hubby mixes up color names he CAN see.
(There are some fine color differences that women see better than men, because we have more "rods and cones" in our retinas.)
(I can't remember who dropped by, but if you did or emailed me, he is finally recovering from emergency surgery and he will be fine.)
Take care- I've missed the blogging in the month I was gone caring for him. I'm so glad your house is "feeling like a home!" I'm sooo envious you have a place on my favorite areas the water and it looks like hills or mountains in the distance. I'm so happy for you all! :)

gautami tripathy said...

fascinating pictures. I love the tankas.

Left-handed Trees... said...

Beautiful words and photos...getting closer now!!!

Patois42 said...

The photos are superb. The words tell their stories so well. What a gorgeous place to retire to.

Anonymous said...

Photo's and poetry are beautiful. What a talented woman you are! I always feel inspired when I read your posts. *smoochies*