Monday, June 18, 2007

One of Those Weekends

Have you ever had high expectations for a weekend and they go to seed? Dave and I left for the new house early Thursday morning, planning to return home Saturday night. So many small things went wrong that combined with the two house stress, we left Saturday morning. Dave is burned out and I'm overwhelmed from living in limbo. We have had no traffic or offers on the house so we made some decisions for our mental health.

Dave drives 4 hours a day to his full time job, keeps this house staged and yard looking great. He then has taken every three day weekend to spruce up and care for the new house/yard to make it move in ready. He retires August 13th and if the house does not sell he must find a job here in town until it does. So we dropped our price, new house stays as is until we sell, Dave will take a two week vacation right before retirement and chill! Maybe put in a few applications but fishing is high on his "to do" list.

Tell me, who wouldn't want to buy this yard? Takers? Anyone? lol

A new lily this year

From our Roses of Sharon bush.

Day Lilies

Lavender bush is so huge it had to be tied. (In front of swing)

Hydrangeas and lavender.

Daises and red grass by fountain.

Keeping the yard nice for buyers keeps Dave's mind off the pickle we got ourselves into. Me, I just worry. The gladiolas and chrysanthemums are coming soon. I'm breathing deeply and praying.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe the house didn't sell the first week. It is an amazing home, one of the most coziest I've ever been in. It will sell, and this time next year you will have forgotten the stress and be enjoying the lake down the road.
Much Love

Pam said...

Jolene is right, and if I had any money, I'd buy it in a heartbeat!

And the gardens, wowie zowie!!!

Love you, don't worry.

yogaglamgirl said...

wow. the garden looks magical. Best of luck finding a buyer. I am sending you good vibes. :)

Deb R said...

That yard would be a huge selling point for me if I was house hunting in your area. It's gorgeous!!

Sending lots of good thoughts your way that an enthusiastic buyer comes along and makes a great offer soon~~~~~~

Jessie said...

i would buy it in a heartbeat!! but i think i would miss winter too much. don't worry though, tammy. it will happen. i know it will.

i was totally stressed when our house was on the market. but things have a way of working out. they always do.

sending lots of love,

C. H. Green said...

Simply gorgeous. Stop by and see me sometime.

Julie said...

Your yard is BEAUTIFUL!

I'm glad you've both made some decisions to scale back the stress factor. I know everything will work out; there's a buyer just around the corner (you are near a corner, right?) ;-)

Keep hanging in there!

xoxoxoxo Star

Anonymous said...

It will work out. House buying and selling are tremendously stressful. So much is at stake. But I know it will sell eventually. You may lose a little in the finances, but think what you will gain at the new house.


longspider said...

Gorgeous photos - with a yard like that, the house has got to sell! :)

daisies said...

it will totally sell ~ are you kidding me ~ that yard alone makes me drool!! we bought our house last spring and paid a small fortune for a yard full of dandelions and tree stumps and dying grass ~ darn market, lol. i am only hopeful that 10 years from now my yard will look like yours :)

if i could move countries, i would buy it in a heartbeat ;-)

Tammy said...

Your house/yard is so lovely! I'm sorry it has been stressful (and continues to be so) I'll send positive "selling" thoughts your way!

yogaglamgirl said...

Thanks so much for visiting me Tammy!

Amber said...

I would buy your house in a heartbeat, if I could have. That yard, all the green, all the warmth and peace... Our new house is nice, but has none of that at all! You will have to tell me how to make our little yard all green and beautiful. ;)

We are farther away, but not much. I will still come see you. Plus, any reason to get in the trees!

Keep the faith. I know it is so hard when things are not seeming to work out the way we want them to, but try and remember that God has your highest good in mind. We just don't always get it.


turquoise cro said...

WoWieeeEEEEEE! Tammy! Kiss that Dave for me!!! He is doing a wonderful job, he must have a GIAGANTIC green thumb!!! O! I wish I could buy it and Jer and I could retire!!! It is soOOOOO beauty full!!! I'm sending YOU good vibes too! xoCinda

tara dawn said...

It is so incredibly beautiful and simply emanates peace and comfort and beauty. How I wish I could buy it right up! Then you would have no financial worries AND you could continue to enjoy it whenever you wanted to visit. Alas, I have no money. But I can offer prayers and I will most definitely be saying extra ones for you and Dave. Glad to hear he is taking some vacation time soon...enjoy fishing and take some pics of the two of you to send to me. I love you sweetness!

Lippy said...

All you're going to need is someone who has a keen appreciation for that beautiful property to come along. It will happen, and I bet soon!
Good luck!

DEREK said...

just beautiful and inspiring

Tinker said...

That yard is fabulous! Keep breathing and praying - there's somebody out there who's looking for a dream house - yours! XOXO