Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sunday Scribbling - "Phenomenon"

I'm pretty sure the biggest phenomenon that has changed my life is blogging. Before I caught on to this "latest thing" I was a housebound, disabled, water aerobic, soap watcher. Most of my friends from my childhood lived far away and my "country" friends had jobs. I had inadvertently isolated myself from the world while seeking out a slower way of life. I also did not think I had a creative bone in my body, so computer technology was zipping right past me.

If you had told me that I would be writing poetry and letting complete strangers read it, I'd swear you had been smoking something. I learned to express the words that filled my heart and see a new world through the lens of a camera. Oh, I can't forget the part that I can say what ever I want and show off my grandson. :) My world grew into a much happier place, full of strangers I now think of as friends, creativity and filled with the power of words. Because of blogging I will brave cross country travel and meet my female cape crusader, batman ( Pam, a fellow ALS warrior). Not to mention two bloggers I have found close to my new home.

I have seen bloggers share pain, art, death and illness. They are embraced, encouraged and cared about. I've seen writers get published, artists open up shops and children shared and celebrated. I see blogs that now sway politics and because of their many voices, I have seen and learned much more than my local news could ever alert me to. I'm not speaking of MySpace when I refer to blogging, although I'm sure there are great MySpace pages. I'm talking about real people who publicly share their real lives in hopes of making a difference or leaving a legacy.

I got an email from a lady who said she knew me as a baby and was my mom and dad's old neighbors. They said they found me on my blog, but I could not figure out how, since that was two last names ago. It was actually very easy to find me and it turns out he used to work with my husband Dave (small world!). They knew each other until he retired a few years ago. From my blog they learned mom was gone now, where my dad is and that baby they knew is now 46. They found me by googling my mother's name and got my post on mother's day from 2005. Makes you wonder who reads our blogs that we don't even know and never will. Big brother? Nah, TK and my poetry is not that interesting. lol

It's not such a small world after all if we can reach out across the world and connect in unimaginable ways. Blogging can be a wonderful tool if the government, fanatics and the loonies stay out of our way. Blogging makes the world a smaller place and contributes to sharing, learning and tolerance.

My blogging finger has good blogging manners, but at 46 I do have trouble remembering who has left a nice comment, so pardon me if I ever miss your kindness. I really do care about the people who have encouraged me and touched my life. Thank you!

The photo is from Screenshot-Michael Bretherton


bonggamom said...

That's a beautiful and heartfelt post. I also feel like I've come to know many wonderful people through this funny little thing called blogging -- and one of them is you!

Lucy said...

Tammy this was SO well written and clearly presented. I feel the same way about blogging and You are right it is a Phenomena! I also think of my fellow bloggers as friends, meanwhile only a few short years ago, I was upset when my teenage son joined Live-journal and was telling strangers about his life! he laughs at me now... when he visits and I say " Want to read my blog?" haha
(Just so you know YOu have LOTS of creative bones Miss Tammy!)

Giggles said...

Tammy there is so much truth in this post. It does open up a whole new world. I am exploring things I never thought possible. This post definitely reflects my perspective! Thank goodness for you and for blogging! Well done!

Hugs Sherrie

Julie said...

It really is a wonderful way to find people you have things in common with and also to broaden your horizons to learn new things also. Thanks for sharing yourself here on your blog, Tammy!

emmapeelDallas said...

Amen, girlfriend. Through our computers, and our fingertips on the keyboard, all of us here in cyberspace are able to reach out and meet new friends we'd otherwise never have found...what a wonderful world it can be.


Anonymous said...

Tammy, you wrote that for all of us. It is the best thing that could happened in the net world. The world has shrunk so much becos of it.

Paul said...

You're quite right. Blogging really has become something special for so many people.

Left-handed Trees... said...

Yes, this is a true I have appreciated for the perspectives and connections it has given me. Hope your summer is going well...

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely post about the phenomenon that connects all of us here...

Pam said...

You have said, my dear friend, something I think every day. And more eloquently than I ever could. I would say that most of us bloggers probably agree with every word.

We are only two months away from the day that Batman and Robin stand face-to-face and embrace for the first time.

Anonymous said...

Without blogging, I never would have come forward.

I enjoy your posts, because you tell the truth about your life and struggles.




Nancy said...

You expressed what blogging means so eloquently. I'm just glad I found YOUR blog..and you...and your friendship.

Love ya,

Becca said...

You are "spot on" with this one, Tammy, for blogging is certainly a phenomenon that has changed many lives!

I'm glad you found it, and that I found you :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,

A lovely post...sorry I fell of the wagon with a response to your what to do in Maine email...I will drop a line now.

Lippy said...

I'm glad you found Blogging. I know that it has enriched your life, but if I may be selfish, it has allowed me to get to know someone courageous, yet down to earth. Someone I admire greatly. So, see? We've both benefited here!

Chris said...

Sometimes it is easy to wonder, "Why do I even bother keeping my blog up?".

Thanks for reminding us of the answer, Tammy.

Anonymous said...

Blogging changed my life too.
I was brought up in a very business oriented family that did not encourage the arts.
My first online trip in '98 changed my life.
Thanks for sharing and visiting.

Christy Woolum said...

I couldn't have said all this any better. I agree, I agree, and I agree some more. A long lost friend of my deceased dad found my siblings and me through our blogs. We have learned things about my dad we never knew. I have heard from a woman I substitute taught over thirty years ago and childhood friends. It is a very small world!

Gill said...

Hear, hear. Blogging is amazing and liberating.

Marie said...

Amen to everything you said! You have so eloquently said what many of us feel...I have some amazing blogging friends who put into words their daily struggles or a quip or quote that has moved them...and suddenly, I don't feel alone or I am more able to make it through because of warriors like you...AND, as you said, I've shared poetry and art that I've NEVER shared with even my family members. Thank you for your contributions; you make a difference! (Thanks for visiting me too.)

Jone said...

Tammy, so beautifully written. I am so glad that I have gotten to know you through blogging. When do you leave on your trip?

Annie said...

oh, tammy, i wish i'd thought of this topic for the "phenomenon" prompt. you are right on the money with this post. blogging is a true phenomenon and many of us get a great deal of pleasure, support and knowledge from it. perfect post.

Jana B said...

Isn't absolutely amazing to look at how blogging can change our lives??? It's brought SO much change to mine... healing... growth...

daisies said...

i love how you expressed this ~ blogging is truly amazing and your writing is phenomenal :) i have missed your words while i was away .. xox