Sunday Scribbling - "I Get That Sinking Feeling"
I get that sinking feeling when I have made a big decision that will change the direction of my life and I have not analyzed it from every angle. I have very good intuition but if my heart overrides my head I get that sinking feeling which manifests into anxiety. I'm not very spontaneous on the big decisions and yet I have recently gambled with our dream.
Buying our dream house was all me. The open lot behind me at my current home was sold and a new house was built, obstructing a small part of my view. I was pissed and felt closed in, yet in hindsight it was not that bad. I told Dave I wanted to move up to the mountains and not feel so surrounded. He went right along since he hated living in a sub-division. We stumbled upon a wonderful area and looked at many homes that were selling for what we thought we could get for our current house. When we drove up to the last house I instantly hated it. It was full of chachkies and every wall was baby blue. Once I saw Dave's face light up at the yard with that "love at first sight look" I wanted it for Dave! We bought it that day and justified the pre-retirement purchase over lunch.
I've had a bag of mixed feeling on this decision weighing me down for two years now. We had no idea the housing market would take a dive. Now retirement is here we can't seem to give our current house away. We have two mortgages and Dave must find a job. No more decisions from the heart but instead I'll stick to being anal. We are not in danger of losing anything except a little savings but I realized my heart should never drive money decisions. We are still very blessed because Dave is young, healthy and does not hold At least we have a roof (actually two roofs) over our head and food in our bellies. Blessed indeed!
Perhpas your current house will sell very quickly now that the seasons are changing.. take care.
I'm with Shelby; I'm holding out good thoughts for a sale yet this fall.
My thinking goes both ways. There are times when I allow the facts to overrule my heart and I know that I have probably done the "right" thing in everyone else's eyes, but in my own heart I know I'm hating every moment. On the other hand, my heart has led me astray at times, but somehow I come out feeling better about those because I know my intentions were good. The best decisions (for me) usually come with full consideration of the facts so my heart knows all there is to know, and then I let it weigh things out and decide.
(I'm so glad you've got the pictures of Dave's retirement in the slide show; I just love the one of the two of you at the table together)
I wouldn't give up hope of the house selling just yet. Not that I know anything much about these things.
I guess I tend to prefer to follow my heart over things. I think probably both head and heart can end up making decisions you regret sometimes. However we make decisions things don't always end up going to plan, but I guess at least if our heart was in it from the outset it's easy to persevere and sit out the problems when they arise.
Chachkies? What are chachkies????
Doesn't the housing market suck. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that you can't sell right away -- perhaps you could rent one out? Good luck either way.
Are are sadly in a somewhat similar boat. We bought our dream house last year, after relocating across the state. Now, for a myriad of reasons, we have to move back, but first we have to sell our house in a less than ideal market. We are prepared for it to sit on the markey all winter, despite desperately wanting to move back much sooner.
I hope we both have better than expected luck finding buyers.
Tammy, I know just what you mean - we're in a similar situation with some of our property in Florida. I get a sinking feeling when I think about it too! Here's wishing good luck to both of us :)
You never know when just the right person will come along and want to buy THEIR dreamhouse - the one you're selling...Keeping my fingers crossed for you, that they find you soon! XOXO
I am like you. Decisions dealing with homes and money always give me a sinking feeling until I make a final decision. Here is hoping your house will sell.
Like you said, you had NO idea the market would take such a dive. Who knew the housing market would just stall like it did?! You should always give your heart it's desires if you are able to. Heck, life is to short to live with all those "if only's".
Holy crap, my friend...I can't overstate how much I relate to this post! We are (currently) petrified and anxious. It's horrible and yet I know we are blessed as well. But of still feels horrible.
We should talk soon.
Love ya,
Don't sell it! Think carefully. Worrying will not help. Looking at it positively does. You ARE a positive person. Like you say, there is food and shelter so that should work out.
If it isn't hurting too much then hang on to it and rent it out. You'll be better off to ride this out for a couple of years and if my friend is right then the rental market will see a rise as the foreclosure rate goes up.
Ah sweetie, sometimes the universe gives us challenges for different reasons than what we see in the moment. Your heart is still your ally - don't shut her out in decisions that affect money. Sending you peace and love, xx, JP/deb
All I can think of to say is 'waiting' is a hard thing to do, but in the end, the reward for patience is always worth it ... Thinking of you.
I try, try to leave my heart out of money issues. Don't succeed very often though.
Sure hope your house sells soon.
be patient. it will happen. i know it will. money vs. heart seems like it can be an endless struggle...but i wish you luck in finding a balance between the two.
lots of love and may some serious house-selling-speed be with you!! :)
i am ever hopeful for you guys ~ sending you all kinds of hopeful housebuying vibes ... it will happen, i am sure of it because following our hearts is such a good thing, even if we can't always see it :) xoxoxox
Oh! Good luck to you!
But sometimes the heart is right! It is hard to know what to follow. And it still may work out just right, in just the right time. You just don't know what is around the bend, and angels may be looking out for you, and you just don't know why yet. ;)
I've been watching my friend, Biene, try to sell her house and land in Angels Camp for a year now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of you. Oh, and byw, if you have not done so yet, ask your realtor for a St. Joseph statue. Bury it in front of your house and perhaps something magical will happen. Old Italian superstition.
LOVE the Jewel song!!!!!!!!!!!
I picked her the other day for who I'd want to read my biography if it was to be...
How do I get that on my blog?
p.s. THANKS for the very kind comment earlier today encouraging me. :)
sending hugs..
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