Friday, September 14, 2007

Hitting the Road

My Dalia's are growing so tall they are sticking their pointed little heads up past my flower box outside my kitchen window. That's my morning coffee comfort zone so me thinks someone needs a haircut!

We have decided to try looking for responsible renters to love this house. We had planned to take the house off the market for the winter so a renter would be ideal. The horror stories of bad tenants have made us very cautious but Dave would not have to work. Dave was offered a job today to hold us over until we find a renter or get a better job offer up at the new house.

This is where we will be job hunting until Wednesday. The town closest to our new home is Placerville. Isn't it cute?

I met a terrific lady and blogger for the first time this week, Biene at I met her through Annie of who I had already had the pleasure of meeting. Biene came to my home and could not believe it had not been sold, which felt really good. We chatted for hours and found lots to talk about as we eventually went to lunch. I really enjoyed meeting her.

Dave felt kind of lost after he left work for the last time. He had spent half of his lifetime there so he was surprised he wasn't doing cartwheels out the door as they took his badge. Biene's hubby says it could take some time to adjust but I am enjoying the warm body next to me in the mornings. He does need something to do and fast before he gets stir crazy. Dave is not a couch potato or sports watcher (thank you, Lord!).

I'll miss SS and Writer's Island but I'll be baaack Wednesday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Amber & Regina!

Later Tater's


Julie said...

Wishing you a safe trip! Hope you find good tenants and that if a job is necessary that Dave finds one he'll enjoy. Has he thought about getting into a bakery?

I'll have to google your new town and see what's up.

Tabor said...

All these changes do require strength from us. I know things will work out, but you must be more patient than normal it appears.

Annie Jeffries said...

I'm so happy you got to meet Biene. She just the best. Rent!! Excellent idea. Or simply move. Once the house is empty it might actually sell. People love to look at empty houses. Makes it easier to picture their stuff in the space. Retirement - Don had a totally soft landing. He is happy, busy doing all the stuff he didn't feel he had time to do. He kicked back for a couple of weeks, decompressed and then dove into a boatload of projects. He is totally happy and even willing to go on little weekend trips. My turn next. 2 1/2 years to go.

Regina said...

Thanks, hon! How did you know?!
And how cute are you! It's so nice to meet up with bloggy friends! Good luck job hunting!

Nancy said...

I hope you have a wonderful trip Tamela. We MUST talk very soon about your next trip. ; )
Great pics you showed us here. I'm also glad you're meeting such special folks.
Someone very important once told me,
"Special people find special people".

Love you.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Tammy, be good!

RCJ, Happiest of Days! Celebrate!

Lippy said...

I wish you luck with the renter search. Tell Dave to hang in there and keep his eye out for some good hobby opportunities. The right one can be so, so fulfilling.

Anonymous said...

Have a safe, pleasurable, and productive trip.

Wishing you blessings upon blessings!

Anonymous said...

Have a safe, happy trip! I am sure you will find good people to rent your house. There are good people out there who can't afford to buy, but would love the chance to rent a beautiful home. I know my friend Kim, who is a teacher is renting and treats it like it is her own house.
I think it is wonderful you met a blogger friend!! That is what this is all about, connecting and meeting some really special people.

Take care! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Dave on his many years of service. Hope all works out well with the rental idea - that sounds like a good plan. How cool that you got to meet another blogger friend. Placerville still looks adorable - it doesn't look like it's changed much over the years since we last drove through - and in my book, that's a really GOOD thing - I'd much rather have a cute, homey hometown, than a big bustling city.
Have a safe and fun trip! XOXO

Kay Cooke said...

Have the best time! Good luck with renters and job. It's been lovely catching up on your news - lovely photos of yourself and of your gorgeous grandson.

Yolanda said...

Placerville looks lovely. Have a wonderful time.

Christy Woolum said...

It does look lovely. I hope everything works out with the renters and the move.

emmapeelDallas said...

Placerville looks BEAUTIFUL! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you...


Colorsonmymind said...

Hope you find a great neat loving renter. Dancing for you
Hugs and love

Pam said...

The view from your window is extraordinary, out-of-control flowers and all.

It's difficult for men who have worked hard all their lives and are used to being busy to adjust to retirement, but you and Dave have each other and will find your way to a new and wonderful future.

See you Wednesday, Robin,

Anonymous said...

Tammy, what a great idea for the winter. Now you can enjoy more of your hubby - LOL. Isn't it great when you make a connection outside of the computer with a blogger? I'm so glad your experience was a good one. xo

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I have met Biene, isn't she extraordinary? How wonderful the two of you were able to meet, chat and have lunch together!
Renting sounds like a great idea and you will have total control over the selected party. With credit checks and references hopefully you will get the ideal tenants.
I can imagine how hard it must be for Dave...even though most wait for that day there is a period of adjustment to having days your own. I am sure he will grow to love it!

Amber said...

Thank you Tammy! I heart you. :)

I bet he feels a little lost! That is a HUGE life change. He needs to give himself a break, about whatever feelings come up for him. It is just a change. A new journey. I think we forget what a bog part of our lives work is, as a person. So leaving is a little like a death, I think, after so long... Even if it is kind of like the death of an old bitchy aunt who smelled like Vicks, and we always though we would happy to see her go. LOL


vicci said...

Sweetie.....You are gonna love this Fall weather! It's beautiful here right now....although the deer are driving me crazy...they are eating everything in sight! Apple Hill awaits us.....:-)

trailbee said...

Looks like things are starting to cook. Go for it. Timing is everything, and suddenly that renter will appear. Thanks, again, for a really neat meet and a fun lunch. b.

Lucy said...

good luck to you both new beginnings are exciting! :)

daisies said...

that town is super cute : ) and yay for meeting bloggy friends!! sending you love honey as you move forward ... xox

Rachel said...

oooooh good luck with this trip. Sure it will take a lot of adjustment for both of you, but how exciting for you with the move. Hope you find good tenants and can't wait to hear all the news about your time away.x

Chris said...

Meeting fellow bloggers is always fun! Glad you two had a nice time together.

DEREK said...

actually I think your more beautiful with each passing day.