Sensual Senryu
Passion bottled up
cork is popped
bubbly sensations
Sandy at started a new blog after I called her senryu sensual. To help launch her site I thought of this. ;) Give it a try just for fun.
* A senryu is a three line poem, similar to a haiku, based on human nature.
Photo from Stockxpert
bubbly sensations...oh my, I'm blushing;)
Love your sensual senryu, Tammy. Thank you for putting out the word on my new blog. :)
As the saying goes - you have a wonderful way with words.
I have enjoyed catching up on your news.
Your mountain home sounds lovely - it also reminds me of a John Denver song - are you Mountain Mama?!
how fun!! nicely done :)
I love the poem. Hope you have a lovely weekend Tammy.
LOVE your Sexy senryu!!! Here's mine!
Loving YOU is so easy
Make my day,
Kiss me!
tee hee Happy Loving Week-end sweetie!
Lol. Now, should we all start calling you Mountain Mama????
I'll have to give it a try -- I've never written a senryu. Nice work!
Wonderful senryu! Celebrating the sensuality of life ... lovely :)
xx, JP/deb
Sensuous senryu
sends shivers
down my spine
I'm not surprised you're inspiring others to start new blogs - your words are always amazing, Tammy!~xo
Hi Tammy! I love your senryu -- it is delightfully effervescent!! I will check out Sandy's blog -- I've never written a senryu but it sounds like fun!
That's a good one - very sensual.
Encouraging and helpful
supportive and true
A good friend are you
I caught this at Sandy's - I need to give it a try. She gave me a wonderful definition too on how to write one...lovely senryu, you have here.
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