Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lessons from a Mountain Mama

We have been hit with low snow here in CA for two weeks now. We have had rain and a few sunny days mixed in to keep the snow from piling up too high. Our TV and computer run off of two satellite dishes that fill with snow causing loss of signals. We recently heard about spraying "Pam" on the dishes to keep the snow from sticking to it. Cross your fingers. ;)

The snow is so beautiful and I can watch it from my heated recliner near our toasty wood stove for hours. The propane bills were reaching very high amounts so we chose to heat the house with wood. The problem is that Dave leaves for work at 12:30pm so the fire eventually dies down by 5:00pm and Dave does not get home until 10:00pm. I taught myself how to keep the house at seventy three all evening by mixing oak and pine. Dave cuts them smaller for me and I learned the art of manipulating the damper. He was very proud as he came home this week to a toasty fire. Woohoo for me!

Dave had thought he was prepared for mountain life with his 4WD Tundra, sporting snow tires with studs, until he slid sideways down a street on his way to work. It scared him and he bought chains that same day. His job is so excited to have such a hard working guy that they put him straight to the top of the pay scale. I was happy that he was finally validated for having such a great work ethic. We call this picture our muffin top. :)

We welcomed grandson number four on January 14th. Warrick was 9lbs 5oz and as handsome as his big brothers. We fly out to WA to meet him on Feb. 15th and I can't wait to hold a sweet smelling baby again. Dave's daughter and her husband are thrilled with their new son and Warrick's big brothers think he's very cool.

I have not seen this precious face since Christmas and I miss his terrible two pout very much. He is also no longer chatty on the phone so I'm feeling a TK fix is needed very soon.

I have not left the house in over a month but that is not unusual, especially in winter. The no TV and computer is making it harder. I don't buy DVD's and I don't keep books after I read them because I pass them on. I lost my glasses in the move so I can't read too much or I'll get one of my famous migraines. New glasses in March...woohoo! I did get season one of "I Love Lucy" from my daughter and have reconnected with my inner Lucy.

I miss my blog friends and clubs very much! I have this blog ethic that is all my own and I feel awful if I have not read my blog buddy's blogs or commented. I refuse to participate in my clubs if I can't read and comment on the majority of the entries. I will be back soon, as I'm watching another storm roll in but I'll need to start fresh.

BTW my arm has healed very nicely and I have gotten used to "the monster."



Chris said...

Shut up! You're too young to be a grandma!

(Coming from someone hopping his 21 y/o daughter and 19 y/o son are barren for the next few years or so :) )

Anonymous said...

This story reminds me of The Long Winter (remember Little House on the Prairie??) We're about to get seriously slamed with snow here tonight too, so we'll be chilli' together!

I miss seeing you around too, Tammy, but I'm just glad to know you're doing okay.

Congrats on the new grandson. I'm still hoping and praying for one of own real soon :)

Love and hugs xoxoxo

emmapeelDallas said...

Oh, I wish I lived closer! I'd come through the snow and sit by the fire with you!



Nancy said...

Sorry I've been such a lousy friend. I've gotten so wrapped up, that I feel I've neglected people who are important to you. I'd love to call you tomorrow, though that probably won't help much with your boredom.
I'm proud of you for the fires you're making. I, too, am wanting to learn how to start one (that flue thing scares me if I screw it up). I can keep it going, but that's about it.
I miss you...and we talk about a CA trip still.
Love, a hug, a kiss, and another apology,


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your beautiful Grandchild. Your Grandchildren are so beautiful. I am glad you are staying warm up there in the mountains, and that you can keep the fire going. It looks so beautiful there.
I Love Lucy shows never get old, are are good to keep your spirits up. Thinking of you.

P.S. Your music is so soothing.


Joyce Ellen Davis said...

So glad to hear from you again. I miss you when you can't post! Congrats on the new baby--he is beautiful! Tk's getting so big--I know how you must miss him. I miss the three of mine who live faraway and I don't get to see them enuf....

Your snow muffin looks like ours. We had snow again this morning. Stopped now, but it will be back off and on for another several days.

Stay warm, stay well!

GreenishLady said...

Oh, Tammy, it's just so good to know you are doing ok, that the arm is healing, and to see your precious new grandson. Hope the trip goes really well.

And I have to thank you for that Bread track - Everything I Own - just brought me back to great times. Lovely!

Tinker said...

Congratulations, Grandma - and welcome to the world, young Warrick! What a cutie-pie~
Congratulations to Dave, too - on both the new grandson and being recognized for his work ethic.
You are one strong mountain woman, keeping the home fires burning! I have a hard time keeping our fireplace fed some nights - thankfully our nights are not as cold as yours though ~*shiver*~
I LOVE I love Lucy (boy does that sound redundant, or what? lol) - enjoy the laughter and stay warm - sending warm thoughts your way~XOXO

Jana B said...

Congrats on the new grandbaby!!!!

*singing along with Lonely People* That is an awesome song. I'm going to have to download that.

AWESOME that you learned the art of heat-making with ALS and an owwie-fied arm!

Hope you find your glasses soon!!!!!

Don't worry if you can't always get to our blogs... we totally understand that you are on the dreaded dial-up, and sometimes not able to have access at all. So, visit when you can, but don't pressure yourself!!!!

Gill said...

I'm so glad your arm has healed well.

I love seeing your snowy photos - we are sweltering in the middle of Summer here!

Congrats on the new grandbaby! I hope you get to see TK real soon, he must be missing his grandma.

Christy Woolum said...

Thanks for the tip on spraying Pam. I have never tried it. We just go out with a broom. There certainly is an art of keeping a fire going... I am terrible when I am home alone of letting it go out. It is the only heat we use so it helps to remember.. and that we have a small house.Congrats Grandma!

Lippy said...

Congratulations on the new arrival!

I hope that you're holding up ok, I can imagine a touch of stir-craziness is in order? Soon, this winter will be behind us all, and you'll get your life back in order so that you can get back to the routine.

Stay well and in touch :)

Kay Cooke said...

Hi Tammy! Thinking of you by your fire and among all that beautiful snow. Congrats on grand-baby no. 4. He looks adorable.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Grandma! Four times over!

BTW, you come and pick your award from my blog. Just click on my name here to reach there.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Congratulations on the new grandchild!

A log fire in the house while the snow piles up outside sounds wonderful...

JP (mom) said...

Keep those fires burning! Many blessings for your newest grandbaby - what a joy! Hope to see you when you get out here. Peace & love, JP/deb

Pam said...

I love the picture of TK and that sweet baby, but you can keep your snow, pretty as it is. We've got enough of our own and I'm ready for it to be gone!

Love you!

daisies said...

congratulations on your newest beautiful grandson :) stay warm and cozy honey, xox

Giggles said...

Nothing like a roaring fire. Great stoking my dear! Congratulations on the new baby! I love the snow too....we've had it off and on this winter. I have also been held up with my car needing a big repair job! But I use that valuable uninterrupted time for creative endeavors. Hope the pam works!!! Always love visiting here!

Love and big hugs

Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying the winter wonderland and are able to stoke the flames yourself. I do worry about you in the house all alone.


Tabor said...

You are a wonder...but all the blog readers say this. I really like your attitude about being closed in. Spring is just around the corner, though, I can ALMOST smell it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tammy on Warrick, what a wonderful name and what a cutie...Jan 14th is special for me since I share his b'day...

I wondered if I missed you when I didnt see you on any of the prompts.. now I decided to follow one of your comments and was delighted to read this post, congrats again. Enjoy your grandson.

Anonymous said...

the pictures of the snow are delightful. Being in the south I rarely get to see conditions like those I experienced as a boy in New Jersey.

Lovely grandchildren you have.

I am Cicero.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the birth of Warrick! I'll bet that having another little one in the family makes you miss TK all the more.

Hope you're getting your snowy dish licked. We're in for about 8" tonight into tomorrow.

Missing you... :)

Giggles said...

Tammy you have an award on my blog!!!

Hugs Sherrie

Yolanda said...

Hope you are back soon.

TJ said...

Oh.....a new baby! How lucky!!!! DON"T LICKED THE SKIN OFF THAT NEW LITTLE GUY TAMMY.....laughing. I bet you two can't wait.
Well sounds like you are mastering the arts of Mountain the pictures.
XXOO to you and yours my friend.
PS. My Kitchen graphics made ya spit your juice...laughing. It had the same eefect on me so I had to go with it.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Mountain Woman, are you still snowed in??? (and, what did you do to your arm? What did I miss?)

Besides you, I mean. I miss you.

Amber said...

Oh my gosh! That SNOW!!! Tammy, I feel so bad I haven't been able to get up to see you yet!! I SUCKKKKKK. It's these freaking kids, I tell you! All the crap they are doing now. I have no life. But I will will will. And before the snow is all gone. I want to see some snow. ;) And I will bring you some DVD's to watch,or something.

The baby is so beautiful. :) Congrats.


Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Tammy, I would guess that you have a lot of time for reflection. Oh yeah, sure, but so MUCH???? Glad you've got Lucy to keep you company. We got Lucy, the ENTIRE thing, for Krista for her 23rd birthday. She goes to sleep with it every night. Even Tanner enjoys Lucy. I'm thinking of getting up to see Vicci in March. If it happens, I need to drag you into the meet-up. Stay tuned. Hugs, Annie

Jone said...

Sweet baby. Hey have you thought of Netflix? It is fabulous. We joined in December. You make a list of DVD, they send them to the house and then you send them back. Beats driving to a movie rental stroe or buying them.