One of Dave's passions in life is gardening. The snow has not yet fallen on the dogwoods but Dave has planted a truck load of flowers and plants. We made up a list and he veered off the list by a mile. He bowed his head with puppy dog eyes and said "you know not to send me out for flowers by myself." I have no idea how many "finds" he neglected to show me but now I'm feeling no guilt in going to Target. ;) This "Thursday Love" photo is dedicated to Dave's loving hands and the beauty he has surrounded me with.
3WW glass - question - token
Why Can't Spring Stay?
Winter is gone, blooms sprout
up through fallen needles,
the folded daffodils straighten
from winter's last fall, some broken
brittle as glass, leaving but
a token few to join the awakening.
A canvas of colors, a canopy of blues
with white clouds wafting by,
forest green backdrops reaching
up to the sky, lifting their skirt's
so the sun can get by, contrasts
of light and dark, a sight to behold.
Breezes stroke the branches, brushing
off the baggage of winter's wrath,
spreading seeds to multiply, while
waking the silence living within,
birdsong serenade, beckons me
outside to live a new day.
My question remains the same,
why can't spring stay?