Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring Projects Have Begun!

We will have two major projects done by summer. My 15' round 48" deep above ground pool is here and will be installed inside our garage by Dave. With help from the water heater out there and a thermal blanket, I'll be doing my pool workouts very soon.

This is our side yard, taken high up, from the dining room deck. It is sloped and leads to the basement and orchard. We are adding a water feature (thanks IRS) from the right side, down through the trees, to the bench. We have already used azaleas on both sides of the path to give that area color (must click to really see). We will surround our pond with more color and water grasses after it's in.

This is my baby brother Pat, guess what he does for a living? Water features! This is a sample of his artistic work. He is an artist with pencil and charcoal also but you can see his talent in his water features. We will be doing a similar looking one for us and Dave is thrilled. The labor is food and beer. ;) I'll try and get a few shots as they create this because it's a lot more complicated than you would think. Did you know rocks are 12 cents/lb. :0

I can see the poetry forming in my head already. I'm VERY grateful for my brother and this amazing addition to our mountain abode. Dave's already wanting fish but mosquito fish are first on my list.


TJ said...

Dave and Tammy...not are you two about as crazy as I have ever met but you are always ankle deep in projects that amaze me. Go guys...loving all the excitement for you both.

emmapeelDallas said...

Wow, Tammy! That is SO cool, both projects! I'd love to have a water feature like that! I can't wait to see pics!



Jana B said...

The water feature is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap... you are living in paradise.

TMTW said...

I love the song on your blog, and I have complete yard envy. lol Your brother is very talented.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

What a fun summer you have ahead of you! Enjoy!

Nancy said...

Both of us ended up with magnificent yards. I'll tell ya what...I'll show you MINE if you show me YOURS!
(still working on it...)

Love the fountain, the flowers, and the excitement!

Oh...and I love you too.


GreenishLady said...

Oh. I think your pool sounds like something that will be great for you! And that back-yard feature! I am so jealous! I have a steep slope on my back-garden and fantasise about something just like that (or even just a small, small trickle running down a little channel of rock...). My brothers are a librarian and a musician. No gardening skills between them. Lucky you. I'd love to see pictures of the work as it progresses.

Anonymous said...

Your pool sounds like a relaxing, wonderful place.

Your brother creates magic with his rock and water creations. I love them. You have a very talented family.

You have so much to look forward to in your yard this summer. I am happy for you.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully peaceful ambiance you are creating...I love it and am so thankful that you will have such a haven of serenity surrounding you.
Thank you for your sweet comment. I finish finals next week and am hoping to have a bit of time then to sit down and write you a proper letter. Could you email me your new address? I know I have it somewhere but want to make sure I have the correct one.
I miss you dear friend.
Love you!

Kay Cooke said...

It will be beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...


Looks a lot different without snow. :)

Gill said...

Your projects sound wonderful - can't wait to see photos of them completed!

Christy Woolum said...

I am eager to see these projects as they progress. I love water features and they add so much to any surrounding.

Unknown said...

Hey Tammy! Personally winter has to be pried from my fingers. My Spring projects began today, mowing the lawn for the first time. Winter seems to allow more time for people care, Naure becomes demanding in Spring and summer.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

daisies said...

wow honey, your yard is going to be like paradise :) how beautiful will a water feature be, sigh ...

kate smudges said...

Hi Tammy,

Your brother is a gifted garden artist too! That is a beautiful water feature. There are many great water plants. I can see some wonderful Papyrus plants - they look great. I have to clean and cut all the foliage off my plants and wrap them in dark plastic bags and store them in the fridge for the winter. Depending on your zone, there are plants that over-winter in the pond.

I love Parrotsfeather because it floats on top (and is an oxygenator - which you need to keep the pond clean). You can also have water lilies and water hyacinth (these just float on the top and reproduce little baby plants throughout the summer). I can give you recommendations for lots more if you tell me your zone and whether or not you want to leave them outdoors all year round.

And then there's fish. I have five currently who live indoors and head outside in May. When they are in the pond, I call 'fishies' and they come over and eat their food right from my hand. That's cool.

I'm glad you'll be documenting the water creation!

Liza on Maui said...

I love water features! We have a small one in our yard and the sound of water flowing is very soothing.