Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sunday Scribbling - Scandalous

Have you got some juicy gossip? What about a bit of scandal? Have you caused a commotion in your life? Would you like to? In this week full of politics and financial woe, let's add a bit of spice and fun, shall we?

OK, I'll give you a commotion that everyone found funny but us. I must start off with what I call a "scandalous event." Before Dave retired from a national lab we carefully chose their best health care plan. It would cut into our retirement income, but with ALS we felt it was important. When Dave retired we found ourselves in a pickle. We could not sell our old house to pay down the new house.

Dave got another job with the school district to cover both mortgages. We found out we had to pay for two health care plans, but could only use the new one. GRRR! Some people have nothing and we have too much! Here's the kicker, the national labs health cost went up by 35 million this year. So what did they do? They are taking the good insurance away from retired employees and their spouses on Medicare. (Dave and I, because I'm on it. ) We must now find a medicare supplement. We are sickened that they are, in my opinion, taking advantage of the old and sick. We have yet to discover all the differences we will be forced to face. Thank goodness we still have a good insurance from Dave's current job, for now. What about the retirees who have only until Jan. to figure it all out? Shame on them!

Now for a bit of fun commotion in our last summer project.

We have been really good about paying bills on time, no credit card debt, no car payments and cash only purchases. Gold star? Nope! We can't seem to build up our savings. I could blame it on Dave's plant addiction or our old house repairs, but I made a big boo boo with one simple statement. "I hate that grey gravel, can't we put stone with moss in that small space?" Sweet hubby responds " I guess." Who knew rock and moss would cost a fortune. Dave bought what he thought he needed, but he was short three times. ;) Do we leave it half done or go for it? Economy crashes and I say "go for it." We spread the project out over 2 months and it is now called "Tammy's $1000 path." I always respond by saying "I'd never had bought the rock at that price." So on it goes. lol

Dave says it looks nice but not a thousand bucks nice. I am fully responsible for our biggest summer commotion and lowered savings account. Who in the heck can save 6mos of two mortgage payments, as suggested? I like it, but just don't bring it up when you visit while enjoying your smore. LOL


Roan said...

The cost of health care is indeed scandalous. The garden is lovely. BJ

Linda Jacobs said...

Your garden path is worth the money. It's gorgeous!

I don't even like to think about the health care issue. We'll be retiring in a few years and will have to deal with it then.

Anonymous said...

A bit Grrrrr! to the insurance people. :(

I like your path and think it's really quite for the s'more :)

emmapeelDallas said...

Sounds like you were robbed by Dave's insurer. Of course, that fits with the three D's of the insurance industry: Deny, Delay, and Don't Pay. I loathe insurance companies and also banks, and I had to laugh when I heard on NPR that banks now don't trust each other. They've finally gotten to where much of the public is! At the risk of sounding paranoid, I don't trust insurance companies or banks, and I hope there's a major overhaul regarding insurance coverage in this country SOON.

On to a more pleasant topic. Your walk is BEAUTIFUL, and a huge improvement. My backyard is a mess precisely because it's so expensive to do even a small job, but Dave did a beautiful job of it (as usual!)


Lucy said...

Tammy, don't get me started about health insurance! YIKES!
LOVE your inviting, beautiful sanctuary!
it was worth all the work and money! xoxo

(I am having so much trouble leaving a comment. This took me many attempts, I get frozen ! grrrr)

Forgetfulone said...

Insurance is so frustrating!

And the path is beautiful.

The Mama said...

It's beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Health Care in the U.S. is getting worse every single day. I pray something will be done. Frankly, I don't see how it can go on like this. So glad you are secure with his new job, one less (HUGE) thing to worry about.

I love the path and would have paid to finish it. It is all about peace and tranquility and your yard (home) is full of that. Would love to just sit there and take it all in. You deserve it, you both do.


linda may said...

Health insurance is a necessary evil here too. I love your pathway. it looks great so does you garden sanctuary.

daisies said...

i love your pathway!! can't really comment on the healthcare issue, its so different here in canada but it sounds frustrating, sigh ...

Giggles said...

Oh but it is so beautiful. I have no doubt you will enjoy next summer out there all the time... maybe with a lap top and table to write on. It's so romantic and so is your man! You're worth it! Your health care need to get that changed soon... I am crossing my fingers for you guys!

Big hugs Sherrie

anthonynorth said...

I'm shocked by some of the health insurance problems I'm hearing about in the US. Here in Britain, we sorted this out once and for all in the 1940s. A national insurance scheme was introduced, paid for by everyone in work. The result was total healthcare free at the point of use. This includes everything from emergency treatment, to major surgery, to a lifetime of medication.
Yes, there are problems, and it is expensive for the country, but no one has to fear not receiving treatment or medication. The only problem for many is that this was a socialist policy - but it muddles through and usually works.

anno said...

Our health policies are scandalous. Your garden path, though, is beautiful. Enjoy, and enjoy those s'mores, too!

paisley said...

shame on your insurance company!!! it is exactly this that makes me think that we would benefit from socialized medicine... well,, that and the fact i don't have any coverage at all.......

kj said...

i think it's a $ 1000 path! it looks fantastic. dave has a talent.

i'm glad the dumping of your health coverage didn't turn out catastrophically--good you had an "uncessary" backup. let's hope tuesday is a good day and health care for anyone who needs it is not far away...


Nancy said...

Too hard to write what post brings up in me about health insurance...don't wanna get evicted from Blogger, ya know?
And yes, for what it's worth....(which evidently, it was worth a HECK of a lot) that walkway is indeed gorgeous. If you feel guilty about it, you won't enjoy it and that would be a true waste all around. Quit the guilt and enjoy it. Get your money's worth!

Love you,

Tabor said...

Well, the patio can perhaps reduce stress and therefore reduce illness???

Mary Timme said...

It is so tough on chronic suffers of an illness to be in a certain age group. After paying through the nose for me on health care insurance we are finally able to reap some rewards, but it is so costly before. And if I had certain illness, it till wouldn't count! Such is the state of health care by insurance!

I love the garden and the path. So glad to hear you and Dave are just a normal couple. Sounds like our house.

It is so good to be back blogging!

TJ said...

I hear ya and feel the despair!
This is our second year ever that we haven't been able to manage as before.
The medical bills have mounted into what is now a monthly payment and the business taxes have more then doubled!
Our chance at the slice of the pie has fallen to the way side.
We still can mangae and still have the opportunity for the two vacations we take a year ( very low budget) so I am thankful.
My choice was my vacation I take every year with my mom for two days or a new camera.
Well...taking the time with my mom and no question!
The camera will come when it comes...
Love to you and dave.
Hang in.
Hope your renters are helping your investment....we took a hard hit but have my sister in now.
Life is a double edge sword isn't it?

Debra said...

If there is just "one" thing the Obama administration (if elected of course) can accomplish is please...fix healthcare in this country. Please.

Amber said...

Your path is lovely. (I won't tell you I also liked the gravel... lol!) But I bet it will be easier for you to walk on, too, right? So worth it.


Kay Cooke said...

It's a beautiful path and I am sure inspirational - worth every penny in the future ...

rebecca said...

Tammy you are in a financial position that not many find themselves these days and how lucky you are. Your house is absolutely beautiful. I love when you post pictures of everything that Dave has done (oh, what a handy, handy man that Dave is and you should consider renting him out!) A friend of mine told me yesterday I needed a husband. I looked at her quizzically not knowing what she was talking about and she said they have this new site where you can rent a husband to finish the projects that your beloved has started at home. I started laughing and said absolutely -- my hubz is not as talented nor as ambitious as Dave -- he's got his head stuck in books all the time -- the curse of marrying an intellect and thinker. Oh, he'll start the projects (and he does them with so much love and patience and perfection) but then somewhere along the way he tires of it (just before it is completely done) and he's off to his books again! So, yeah, I need a husband who can actually see a project through to the end!

I think Dave and you would make a killing! That man is talented. Come on Tammy, don't be selfish and keep him all to yourself....share him with the world! :)

Anonymous said...

wow those photos are gorgeous!

Andy Sewina said...

Hi, your garden and path look wonderful. I'm so sorry to hear about the scandalous way you've been treated by the insurance people over there.

Martha said...

Yikes! expensive path (but it sure does look pretty :-)
I can realte to the healthcare issue, I work for the schoolboard and although I get my own insurance free they have raised our rates to $980 a month for the family plan! It's just crazy!

Thanks for the visit and comment today :-)

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

You know what, this is just plain wrong. A promise should be kept.

The path is beautiful. But if I come to visit I will try not to admire it's costly beauty too much.

And let me tell you it is seems to be impossible to sell anything right now. It just drives me nuts.

Thank you so stopping by. I do appreciate it so much.


Lippy said...

I love the way you pointed out the sorry state of the health care system. It's horrible the way we fail so miserably the ones we should be taking care of.

Glad you have a great, great garden to help take your mind off the troubles now and then!

Sky said...

i think the path is stunning! wish we were finished with ours. we started and stopped several times and now the winter rains will stop us in our tracks! we are in the midst of adding a flagstone pathway through our woodland garden area - it will loop around and connect back to the gravel pathway which winds through the rest of the gardens.

while i was reading this post hubby was on-line working on changing my health insurance coverage from my job in GA to a cheaper plan. we never use that one, but keep it in case he ever takes sabbatical for travel or changes jobs. just call us INSURANCE POOR!

Chris said...

Health care is the next national crisis, since when the economy finally implodes, we'll almost all be without it. Ugh. It's bad enough right now, from an employer AND employee standpoint.

Sorry to hear you are having to go through all of this, Tammy.

JP/deb said...

I am hopeful that our President-Elect will help fix the national helath care crisis ... this is not only scandalous, but shameful.

Lovely garden path! JP/deb

Gill said...

Health insurance seems to be a nightmare no matter where you live. LOVE your garden path!!

I've got an award for you on my blog, come on over :-)