Monday, January 26, 2009

I Thought I Was Back


These are my favorite rocks and stones because they were created by my Dave and brother Pat. They set every stone in our water feature by hand and it's 30ft long. This was taken yesterday. A bigger shot of it is at the bottom of post. After two weeks of upper 60 degrees with sunshine we finally got heavy rains and a few inches of snow. It knocked out our satellite (computer, DVR and TV) but I loved January's weather.

Fort Bragg rocks


PROMPT 48 " If I Only Had Time"

Time has become precious to me, but even I take advantage of its worth. I have had trouble making a quick recovery from this latest bug going around. I can't believe January is almost gone as I napped the month away. Let's face it, when you're disabled you have the luxury of time in a day, you are just limited in how you use that time. When I was sick I had begun to feel stagnant and then became reflective. Being sick with a sinus migraine keeps you away from the distractions of computers and TV's. Thinking is all that's left, besides napping.

When my new Neurologist and new President gave me renewed hope for a cure with stem cell research, I rejoiced. I had to think about what I really wanted and snatch back some of my old dreams. I will admit that the thought of a total cure actually scared me. I had forgotten how it feels to be "normal" after 18yrs. I asked Dave "what am I going to do if I'm cured?" in a panicked tone. He replied, jokingly, "get a job!" I said "you don't want me at home to clean the house, do your laundry, run errands and cook for you? He said "nope, can't afford it because I'll be retired." LOL I'm thinking I'd better finish my degree and figure out what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. It won't be dying from ALS, that's for sure. I get giddy just thinking about all the possibilities and changes.


paisley said...

what an encouraging post... of course you have a way of turning anything around so that i can see the silver lining...

snow!!! no way!!! not here.. the weather has been beautiful... i bt i have only even had frost on my car window 10 times all winter... snow.... no way!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi tammy,
long time no c_
liked ur haiku poem & photograph & then the following piece spoke to me as only a poem can..
[asked Dave "what am I going to do if I'm cured?" in a panicked tone. He replied, jokingly, "get a job!" I said "you don't want me at home to clean the house, do your laundry, run errands and cook for you? He said "nope, can't afford it because I'll be retired"]
..many thanks..

Queen-Size funny bone said...

you are inspiring. I love rocks and water. soothing and peaceful.
especially when you can hear it trickle.

SandyCarlson said...

Stay giddy and keep believing!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful post. You are such an amazing person Tammy. Never give up hope.
Sinus migraines are so awful. Feel better soon.

Tumblewords: said...

Giddy is good! Thinking of a total cure is a wee bit scary. It's hard to remember what life was like THEN. I bet it'll come right back - like riding a bicycle. Excellent post!

btw ~ Beautiful water feature!

Bruce Miller said...

I love to stagnate, truly, especially as William Henry Davies said:

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

Suzanne R said...

I hope you get your cure!

As for the rocks, they are stunning. I would love to hear the sound the water makes coming down the waterfall you have.

Beth P. said...

you are the rocks and the water too
you are timeless courage and grace

Thank you for showing up.
Thank you for napping your way through January.

Love your soundtrack...

Anonymous said...

Kudos for writing this :) thanks !

anthonynorth said...

Cures do come. Never forget that!

Tabor said...

Yes, dear, you do rock! I had not yet connected the dots on the stem cell research potential and am now even more positive about this change in the direction of the country. Being ill for a long period of time can be a little existential can't it?

Quiet Paths said...

Tammy, this is an avenue of change which I did think of before, but now the impact of hope is hitting me. Wow. I think you have learned to be the stream and the rock...

Anonymous said...

I really like this waterfall, and they did such a good job placing the rocks. It doesn't even look artificial. Great shot(s) for the theme for Carly's Shoot.

Annie Jeffries said...

What a pleasure it is to see this photo and read these words and know that I know this place.

Carly said...

Hi Tammy :)

Darlin, it is so nice to have you back. The Monday Photo Shoot isn't quite the same without your beautiful words and images to bring real life to it! You are a big inspiration to me!

Beautiful photos! They did a great job with the rocks for the waterfall! With the snow on them it is especially striking! The Fort Bragg photos appeal to my love, and longing for the beach. I will be ready for the warm weather this year!

Take Care Nice Lady! Thanks for joining us this week!

Hugs, Carly

Geraldine said...

You have been sooooo missed dear Tammy. I'm glad to read you are feeling better. And do be open to cures from all sources. One of the great things about the internet, all the choices we have at our fingertips on all topics. It is so worth doing the investigating to find the right path.

Hugs to you and Dave, G

Anonymous said...

The photo and poems are very inspiring, and even more so your notes following - all the best to you!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO on board with your positive train of thought. Stay healthy!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you the best, Tammy. My husband has a spinal cord injury, so I am with you on the possibility of new research.

Jama said...

Beautiful photo of that special waterfall!
wishing you all the best, never ever give up hope.GOD always have little surprises for us, we just have to watch for it and be thankful at every little thing life bestow upon us.

Forgetfulone said...

Glad to have you back. I hope your dream of a cure comes true... and soon!

emmapeelDallas said...

You always inspire me, girlfriend!

Maggie said...

Even moments in time are as precious as years when they are spent living your dreams...Loved your photo and poem.
It is nice to see cold and feel warm...

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Ditto, friend!

Lucy said...

you ARE back Tammy! a renewed hope is the best news I've heard in... well, FOREVER!
Love your snowy trickling rocks, LOVE your plans for the future! xoxox

Terri said...

I LOVE your water feature. There's nothing like the sound of moving water to soothe the weary soul.

How wonderful that you have that sense of hope with our new President (and neurologist) - I have dreams of so many things turning around now. It's a great feeling, for a change! Like coming through a really big storm. There's a lot of cleanup to do, but I feel like he can lead us there.

Hope your head is feeling better -- that's a great representation in the post below with the forks! Yoicks!

gwenlyn said...

Hey Tammy,
Thanks for the post! What a treat to have your own little water fall - built by loving hands, no less. Thanks for sharing your jouney with us; your comment about "ALS not having you" is rich. And what adorable little ones!

Anonymous said...

oh tammy great news!!!... i love yr husband's comment... getta job.. i had to laugh outloud... your courage surpasses time as i know it!!!

Mary Timme said...

I love your stones too. Hey, I've been a lazy bum most of the day, just because I want to!

Anonymous said...

Oh, precious blog friend,
The hope you share in this post gives me shivers of abounding joy! I've always been for stem cell research.
Those stones are beautiful, but what is more glorious is thinking of the "boulders" being removed, the "stonewalling" gone for you and so many others.

Great post to this prompt

Anonymous said...

wow for the rock creation :)

Jim said...

Tammy, this is a wonderful poem. And reading from your perspective it means even more.
I also have a limited life, yesterday when I mentioned to Mrs. Jim I said something about 20 years from now and very quickly added that I probablly won't be here then.
Time is catching up with me also because of age. [subject somewhat posted in my Jim's Little Blog today as well]

I too thought of the door being opened for new cures now with our change of national leadership. Tell your hubby to save up because you want to be retired too!

Jan said...

Hi Tammy, I always love it when you stop by and leave me a message;) Sorry I took so long to get back with you...You've just written a post that gives no doubt that there really will be a cure for you. I will be rooting for that all the way. We have so much technology and medical savvy at our disposal, now our 'higher ups' just need to get movin'!!

Your water feature is awesome and suddenly I'm jealous (well, not really) but I've wanted one for a long time and you are so fortunate that your hubby built it. It's gorgeous...and I bet the sound is lovely;)

Jan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patois42 said...

So very nice to read you again. And with such a fabulous ku offering. "Leaving us stagnant" cuts me.

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Oh Tammy how beautiful you have summed it all up I love"sliping right over our dreams" Just lovely my friend. I am sorry I have not been around to read your wonderful work. I spent Christmas Eve to New Tears eve in hospital. Then less then two wees later I was right back in for transfusions.
I pray for you my dear and hope only the best in this New Year.
Be well and well done my friend.


Kilauea Poetry said...

"Being sick with a sinus migraine keeps you away from the distractions of computers and TV's." I went through a slice of what your going through and it's true..being shut up and hemmed in you can truly reflect but your limited huh. Beautiful stones-

Amber said...

I am believing for you!


Annie Jeffries said...

Hi plucky lady. Tomorrow's Friday. I hope you have been continuing to gain your strength back all this week. Love, Annie

Kay Cooke said...

What wonderful words! So full of life and power. But why am I not surprised?! :)

Anonymous said...

I know this is not a priority, but I wanted you to know that I've awarded you with the Lemonade Award for your blog's attitude and gratitude! No rush on picking it up. Your health and rest are more important. When you do have a chance to drop by, details can be found by clicking the following link to that post on my blog.

Whispers and Screams and pick up your Lemonade Award

Far Side of Fifty said...

Beautiful rocks your guys made for you Tammy! I was also encouraged about the stem cell research that can continue thoughts are with you! :)

Mike said...

I didn't realize that was a man-made feature at first. It is very nice! Great photos, too.

Good luck with everything. I hope we can move along with stem-cell research too. I think it can help a lit of people.

Karen Funk Blocher said...

What a fabulous manmade waterful! Very nice indeed! I'm jealous. The only water feature we ever had was at our old house in the late 1980s, and that was just a four foot pond where the toads laid their eggs every year. Excellent photo and entry.