Thursday, February 19, 2009

My 500th Post and Great News!

I can't believe my one little finger pulled off 500 posts and numerous comments. I've been editing double letters and combining clubs to give it a break. Now I will no longer have to struggle. My insurance has approved a new computer that will bank my current voice, give me other voices and type, all with my eye. I'm not in a wheelchair, so it will be mounted on a stand with wheels. It's like having a laptop, sort of.

This is a short video on what it can do for people with ALS, strokes and other diseases. Someone you know can use this to retain a quality of life while awaiting a cure. PLEASE watch so you know what this can mean to a loved one.

This is my biggest fan Dave, who has given me the will to keep fighting. He married me knowing I had ALS and all that came with it. He believes in my cure 100% and will do anything for me. Dave has been patient when I snap at not being understood, learned Tammy speak and asks "what did you say?" instead of guessing. He has learned to repeat what he thought he heard and that way I don't say "forget it!" It can frustrate your hubby, you, friends, family and caregivers when you can't be understood. My warrior will love this computer!

The MDA will assist my insurance to pay for this. If you see an MDA Shamrock you now know someone they have helped. Thank you to Victoria, Jamie, Wendy and Dr. Cheng for making this happen. I will have a voice for years to come. I'm tearing up with emotion at just the thought of never losing the ability to communicate. Amen


Lucy said...

Horraayyy!! I am so happy you were approved for this amazing piece of equipment Tam!! Speaking of amazing..DaVE is one of my favorite people! I just adore the love he feels and the support he gives to you! It's because YOU ARE an amazing woman that u attracted this man!!
I am off to click the link and educated myself on your miracle voice xoxo

Annie Jeffries said...

Hurraaaahhhhhh! I AM SOOOOOO STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

great new indeed. Now you have to blog your heart out.

Mary Timme said...

I wonder if someone is hopping on my signal right now. Weird things are going on with my computer.

This is great new tool for you to use! Tammy, with you and Dave, you've got to know the Lord is using all of it in someway! I'm so glad you'll have a voice. It is such a good one!!!!!!

Nancy said...

Woo hooooooooooooooooooooo girlfriend! I will check out the link as promised.

I am THRILLED that you got this...absolutely thrilled.

Love ya tons and tons,

Anonymous said...

Woo-HOO!!! Hip-HIP-HOORAY!!!
I am so happy for you, Tammy! And congratulations on your 500th post - that is quite an accomplishment! Looking forward to reading the next 500!!!!!

Nancy said...

I just watched it. There are no adequate words to describe it. It's beyond amazing!

I am going to spread the word about this.

I am also so excited about seeing and hearing you use this thing. And of course I'll be your guinea pig, silly.

Lots of Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hey Tammy! That's wonderful news. I'm so thrilled for you.
Oh, and congrats on 500 posts!! You go, sweetie!

Anonymous said...

A true answer to prayer, Tammy. I'm so glad for both of you.

Congratulations on reaching your 500th post milestone.

Biggest Hugs,


Michelle said...


You made my day!

I love it that you posted your 500th post, you give me hope and inspiration to do the same.

I love it that you have your 'biggest fan' Dave to stand by you day after day, you make me thankful for my best friend Carl.


I love it that MDA is helping you to get a computer that will keep you blogging day after day, it makes me grateful for buying that MDA shamrock at Denny's earlier this week. :)


emmapeelDallas said...

Woo Hoo! Tammy, I just watched the heartwarming TERRIFIC! I am so happy to hear you will have this wonderful technology to be able to communicate. Paul Simon had it right: these are the days of miracles and wonders. I'm just thrilled for you, girlfriend.



turquoise cro said...

Praise GOD!!! Alleluia! What GREAT news on your 500th post!!!((((((Dave and Tammy))))))))) and a HUG for the ((((((((inventor(s))))))))) of this! I'll go seeeeee the video now sweetie!

Gill said...

Oh Tammy I am so, so thrilled for you! What wonderful news and what a wonderful way to celebrate your 500th post :-)

Debra said...

Congratulations on your 500th post! That is awesome! How wonderful about getting the computer! God brings us mircles these days in he most unusul ways and this technology is one of them!

Blessings Tammy, Peace and all that is good!

Tabor said...

This technology is amazing and the video really helped open my eyes to the struggles you must face each day. The side I see on this blog is one of hope and optimism but I think I am slowly beginning to understand the courage and strength you must also rally. A 500th blog and all of them were intriguing and interesting and even sometimes fun. Congratulations.

TJ said...

Oh Tammy!! I was waiting to hear when you would be getting such a helpful devise!! I was wondering how you was keeping up, I assumed that you and Dave had taken up blogging together.
Wow! You will really move along now!!
Good for US!
Love TJ

GreenishLady said...

Tammy, I'm just so choked up, and tearing up over this news, having watched the video. I'm so happy for you that you will be able to continue sharing and communicating, and how marvellous that you get to share such happy news in your 500th post. Congratulations! yay!

Becca said...

Whoopie!! Congratulations on all the good news!! It pays to be a fighter...thanks for giving us all a little extra dollop of courage for our daily journey!

Geraldine said...

I am so happy to hear of your good news Tammy. It's good news for all of us because it means you will continue to write your wonderful posts and share with all of us.

Big hugs to you and Dave.

Geraldine said...

I am so happy to hear of your good news Tammy. It's good news for all of us because it means you will continue to write your wonderful posts and share with all of us.

Big hugs to you and Dave.

Linda Jacobs said...

This sounds great! I'm so glad it's happening for you!

Kay Cooke said...

I'm so very happy for you Tammy! You won't know yourself. This is very exciting and such an encouragement for you. My heart is singing for you!

Amber said...

Wow!! That is superduper great!!! I am so happy for you. Big smiles.


Forgetfulone said...

That is exciting news! I'm so happy for you!

daisies said...

so happy for you :) congratulations on 500!! xoxox

Granny Smith said...

Hooray! What a boon to you and your good Dave. I'm looking forward to your next 500 posts!

tamiesling said...

How exciting! I just watched the video and it's amazing! You are a wonderful communicator and inspire so many people. I am so glad to hear you will be able to continue your sharing and love!!

Endment said...

Wonderful good news
Cheers for your Dave!

SandyCarlson said...

You are an inspiration. Thanks for blogging.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, Tammy. I am so glad for you.

Sky said...

what an inspiration you are, and i am thrilled at the news! yessssssssssssssssssssss!

Tammy said...

I'm late in commenting - but AWESOME news Tammy!! I'm so excited for you!

Giggles said...

Oh my goodness I guess I missed this brilliant news when I was on the down swing. How thrilling Tammy.... this is pure joy which you deserve. Your persistent warrior spirit has paid off! I am so happy for you!

Love Sherrie