Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sunday Scribbling - "Art"

My favorite art is photography. I would love to carry around a digital state of the art camera, but they are too heavy. Photoshop can transform an ordinary picture and make it extra ordinary. Its best feature is the cropping and reducing wrinkles. Need I say more? I feel like I can create art with a touch of a key.

This is my grandson TK, who's smile lights up my world! I used his face to just explore art and the endless possibilities.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

thats reallly nice.

Lilibeth said...

Well, I love your slide show of the family as well. Your grandson looks like an interesting little boy.

Stan Ski said...

I wouldn't go anywhere without my camera, and digital means I do it all on my own terms.

Michelle said...

Great Picture!

Tabor said...

I love fiddling with photos and am finally taking time to read the software manual that I have! I also need to re-read my 'state of the art' digital camera manual. I put that in quotes because anything digital that is older than a year, and mine is about three years old, is no longer 'state of the art.' Very creative with the stars as a border!

rel said...

Photography is the perpetual window on the wonders of the world.

GreenishLady said...

I love what you do with photos, Tammy. I know how to crop a photo, and that's about it! Must explore the software for playing with photos sometime.

Anonymous said...

TK has the world's best smile...ever. I'm starting to explore Photoshop now, it is fun and your right the possibilities are endless.

How I wish there was a light camera, your pictures are always so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

you are indeed a lucky one :)

danni said...

i have such fun playing around with stuff with my publishing program --- you've done a wonderful job with this picture, so original and yet holding the essence of this gorgeous little moppet --- kudos for finding the beat of your own drum!!!

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

Like an image embossed on your mind. So darling!


Tumblewords: said...

Brava! Love this expression of joy!

floreta said...

VERY fun to play in photoshop

Granny Smith said...

Aren't computers fun! I love what you have done with this, especially the starry edges that match the happy child and happy color.

Mary Timme said...

Totally charming and fun! TK is a star!

Lucy said...

Tammy you creative little grandma!
Love tks photo, it reminds me of a coin.
forget the lincoln penny.. TK on the penny!
I would love to try and experiment with photoshop, could u come over and teach me?

Annie Jeffries said...

I see that little guy in there through all the red. I'll bet he LOVES this picture and all the stars as much as he loves his grammy.

Kay Cooke said...

Tammy that is way wondrous - you are so creative! That sense of accompishment cannot be beat.

paisley said...

gotta love anything that can erase wrinkles!!!!!!!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

This is terrific! I'll be thinking about you as you have your surgery.

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS enjoy your photos. BTW, there are some very light weight digital cams.
Nice job w/ photoshop. Cool image there of your grandson.