Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday Love - Creating Beauty

My brother and Dave broke ground on a chilly but sunny sunday. The earth was red and easy to move. Warning, a few tulips were harmed in the making of this water feature. Keep your eye on the happy pink tulip on the stump.

Next came the liner made of wetsuit material. It was day 2 and overcast bringing fears that winter would creep back at any moment. My brother had us sign a dollar bill which he placed under the liner for good luck.

Day three came with rain and a delivery of rock. Pammies, skippers, round rock, slate, grey rock and moss rock were all strategically placed to create the shape. Tulip is struggling. :(

Dave was the fetcher and Pat was the placer as they were being rained on. Wet and muddy I was thankful for the workshop bathroom down there. Tulip bowing in defeat.

Day four was to test the flow and check for leaks. They re-arranged a few things and were all set to trim the liner. Are you watching the tulip?

Trimmed and flowing they called it a day as they needed to get back to their paying jobs. It will be completed in two weeks due to other projects.

We will be adding more rock, lighting, timer and plants. It must be drained so we can add rock to the bottom with some fish. The pump just recycles the water and the filter will make it crystal clear. The pump boxes will be covered by rock and plants. It is loud enough to hear throughout the house and yard so we must check in with neighbors.
The guys enjoyed creating this, making Dave's dream a reality. A labor of love for Thursday!


Giggles said...

So beautiful! A lot of back breaking work but now you have your very own private sanctuary. What a thrill!

Hugs Sherrie

Giggles said...

Is that a crying tulip I see? Wow was it growing in that stump! That's pretty cool!

kate smudges said...

Hi Tammy,

Boy, Dave and your brother did an amazing amount of work and created a beautiful water fall. I love it! It was enjoyable seeing the progress from one day to the next. That poor tulip looked pretty dejected by the second picture! You'll have so much fun deciding on what plants to put in. Marsh marigolds (Caltha palustris) are lovely yellow-flowered plants with cool foliage. They bloom in the spring. Also some Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal flower) and Lobelia siphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia) are great plants for around the pond.


GreenishLady said...

It is so lovely. How lucky you are to have two men with such skills in your life! And there will be fish! I look forward to seeing pictures when it's settled into its surroundings.

Annie Jeffries said...

Wow! Stunning! And it's not even finished. OK. This glinches it. I'm planning a roadtrip with Barb and Jeff (and Don). We have to properly welcome this new delight.

emmapeelDallas said...

WOW! That is GORGEOUS! I can't wait to see when you get it done, but it is BEAUTIFUL!

What am I doing in Texas?


Ursula said...

What a beautiful thing! I can see lounging chairs and books being read there.

Happy Love Thursday!

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous! Enjoy !! xo

Tinker said...

It's already looking gorgeous! Can't wait to see it finished.
The tulip will be back next year - meanwhile, you'll have a wonderful waterfall to gaze at - enjoy!

Nancy said...

I love it! I enjoyed seeing the photo narrative of the hard work...and the finished (almost) project is just beautiful! Way to go guys! And kudos to Ms. Photographer too...

Now we can both hear water from our homes....

Love you (and the tulip),

Anonymous said...


Can they come to my house next?


Anonymous said...

You guys are all about the water features right now (with the pool in the garage and all). This looks wonderful; how lucky you are to have two fellas that know their way around landscaping.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Maybe they could dig the little pool the water flows in to a little deeper (deep enough for you to swim in), put a heater under it and presto! The pool problem is solved!

Seriously though, it's really beautiful, Tammy. Too bad the pumps don't sound like water-music....

Anonymous said...

How lovely. I hope you take more pics as it settles in and begins to blend with it's surroundings

Gill said...

Looking good! It's going to be stunning when it's completely done. Please send them over to make one for me sometime soon ;-)

Tabor said...

I have been involved in the building of two of these. One at my brothers house and one at my old house...neither of which turned out as stunning as this. Let me know if these guys are heading out to the east coast.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

what a huge project that is. and i can't believe the amount of pressure that is flowing out of there. i bet the sound will be wonderful. looking forward to the photos with plants etc. how exciting

Lucy said...

WHAT a BEAUTIFUL waterfall and pond Tammy!
It is going to be a private little haven for you to sit peacefully near. Wonderful! All that chaos and the fragile little tulip SURVIVED! another brave warrior. I can't wait to be kept updated on the endeavor.

joared said...

I love your stream, waterfall and pond -- exactly what I've always wanted. I'll have to enjoy yours in lieu of my own.

Becca said...

That is wonderful! There's nothing like the sound of a babbling brook.
I can hear it now.


bella said...

oh my, this is so stunning.
I love the sound of water.
to have this rushing water in your back yard? How wonderful.
now when I need respite, I'll just come visit these images of yours. :)
and the tulip gave me a giggle. :)

daisies said...

oh my gosh ... its beautiful : ) wow, i am so impressed ... i want one, tee hee ... my yard is just not big enough though, lol

rebecca said...

i love tranquil and beautiful...and still it is not done! oh, i would just love to sit in the backyard and hear the sound of the water, along with the birds and fish....beautiful!

trailbee said...

This is going to be one fab waterfall! I envy you.