Sunday Scribbling- My Two Cents
I was recently asked to participate in a ALS Advocacy Community online. After reading the profiles of patients and caregivers I was outraged! ALS does not get much money for research because the majority of patients die in 1-3 years, yet 1 in 1000 will be diagnosed in the world. When a family member dies a lot of families give up the fight for the cure, but not all. I have had a slow progression and have learned a lot about ALS and the medical community. I never realized how much I had learned until I read of their pain and suffering.
Neurologists are going to get my two cents worth today. They are good at diagnosis and things they can fix through surgery but stink at helping ALS. They only see you on a "as needed basis" and for me that is once a year. Many who progress swiftly are left to their regular doctors who know very little about ALS and are left to suffer. Neurologists , in my opinion, wash their hands of ALS because they cannot fix it. These patients have side affects and don't know they can control them with drugs giving them a better quality of life. Better quality of life helps with the will to live and hope. I would be in agony with muscle cramps, wear diapers, drool and be in a wheelchair if not for the help of drugs. Their family doctors just give them a pity look and try to make them "comfortable."They are not given hope they are given time frames.
I was told I had 3-4 yrs to live, 16yrs ago. I had a family doctor that tried to say "I'm sorry but it looks like it's finally affecting your lungs" three times, which is the beginning of the end. I have gone home many times with the attitude of preparing to die because of a well intentioned doctor. I demanded a lung function test every time and every time it was allergies. I joined a drug trial and learned a lot about ALS and had great care for those two years because I was able bodied enough to get in. Not all ALS patients are able bodied enough to get in a trial. There are ALS clinics but only a small number have access to them because they don't live near big cities.
I'm outraged that there is needless suffering caused by doctors who won't take the time to do a little research, call the experts or help their patients live a better quality of life for as long as they can. They are doped up and sent on their way not understanding what's happening. I hope I can a least help one person in this new online community to have hope and not suffer. It's not easy asking questions of strangers online much less one who has made it in the 1% group of people with ALS. Doctors need to step up!
I'm way behind on my blogging and I can't wait to see other entries. The heat wave is over and I can get back to the gym :)