I'm Escaping from the Chaos :)
Here we go again! Daughter number one has decided to join daughter number 2 in the joys of marital bliss. This is where having daughters gets interesting. She wants to get married in our backyard at sunrise. I don't think Michelle and her man have ever seen a sunrise! They are night owls, I can just see myself nudging Shell awake to say " I do." Dave is planning the yard beautification, I get the preacher and dress shopping. Not too awful, except I have to let "my ex from hell" in my house...Yuk! I promised to be nice...bwahaaa! I got two months notice, what's up with that? Retirement wisk us away!!!!!!!!!!!!
My little man turned 6 months yesterday. He usually comes over on Thursdays and hangs out from about 2pm-11pm. Dave calls it TK Thursday :) He's almost crawling and rolls everywhere like those hampster balls. I give him his bottles and hold him for his sweet potatoes. I seem to wear more than he eats because I'm not strong enough to hold his hands down. He laughs out loud now, it makes my eyes water, and we all end up laughing. All four of us laid on the bed to watch "So you Think You Can Dance", including TK. Yep, he is sadly already hooked on TV. His mom has a cable channel at her house geared for 6 months to 3 year old kids. Can you believe that one? He's been to see "Over The Hedge" at the movies and watched the whole movie. I'm sorry, but that's a bit odd at 5 months old. I did not say one word, okay maybe just a few little ones.
My dad came out to meet his first great grandson. We all went out to dinner and then Dave and the kids bowled a few games. Tk was happy and mellow, slept in a horribly loud bowling alley and never cried. My dad was impressed and thrilled with little TK. How cool to watch your dad hold and kiss your grandson? My dad is not even 70 yet.
We are going to be painting at the new house until the 4th, so have a safe holiday everyone :)